Preview of the interview with Javier Milei: Tucker Carlson shows the economic collapse caused by leftist measures
The journalist exchanged 100 dollars for Argentine pesos and the result surprised him: "How do you carry all this?".

(Twitter: Tucker Carlson)
While in Argentina to interview presidential candidate Javier Milei, Tucker Carlson stopped by an exchange house to show the effect of inflation on the economy.
"How do you carry all this?" the reporter can be heard asking as he is handed wads of local currency bills in exchange for $100. The answer: "In a bag."
In unofficial exchange (practically the only one available) this Wednesday, September 14, Tucker would have received around 73,000 bills of 100 Argentine pesos.
Carlson invited viewers to imagine living in that situation, in which "greedy dishonest pigs running your government" get rich and render worthless the work of citizens.
In August, inflation in the South American country was 12.4%, placing year-on-year inflation at 124.4%. These figures make inflation the main concern of Argentines: 82.2% said they were worried about the runaway increases in prices in a recent survey collected by local media.
That economic malaise was one of the keys to the surprise victory of the outsider Milei, candidate for La Libertad Avanza, in the primary elections. His economic program, which includes measures such as spending cuts and dollarization, is diametrically opposed to the populist measures of the Kirchner government and its candidate, Economy Minister Sergio Massa.