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Syria attacks Israel and escalates conflict in the region

The Damascus regime launched several missiles against Israel, which responded with attacks by both air and sea.

El dictador sirio Bashar Asad.

Bashar Asad / Wikipedia.

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The conflict in the Middle East is escalating. The Israeli Army launched a sea and air attack on Sunday in response to Syria launching three missiles hours earlier on Israeli territory.

According to a tweet from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), one of the missiles landed in the southern Golan Heights. Moreover, the Israeli Army claimed that it did not need to intercept these projectiles:

An Israeli military spokesman expanded on the information provided by Tsahal in a press release following the attack. In the brief he reported that the maneuvers had been directed, among other targets, at the "military complex of the Syrian Armed Forces Fourth Division."

Israeli fighter jets struck additional targets on Syrian territory, including a military compound of the Syrian Armed Forces Fourth Division, military radar systems and artillery positions used by the Syrian Armed Forces.

Israel deploys troops on the border

As reported by DW, the Syrian Army fired three missiles into Israeli territory and, in response, Israel decided to send back six of its own projectiles: "The artillery is currently attacking the area in Syria from which rockets were fired at Israeli territory," said the Syrian Army in a brief statement in which they also reported that they had fired three missiles into Israeli territory. Warning sirens sounded in several locations.

In addition, Israeli forces also decided to deploy reserve troops from its border corps in the center of the cities. These troops, the publication assures, will join those that have already been deployed in the mixed city of Lod and in the Jerusalem region.
