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Hispanic lawmakers condemn repression in Cuba at the European Parliament and call for an end to aiding the regime

They ask the highest European authorities to stop financing a regime that tortures and kills hundreds of thousands of Cubans inside and outside the island.


(Voz Media)

A delegation from the Hemispheric Front for Freedom, a political action group that designs strategies for the defense of life and prosperity throughout the hemisphere, decided to travel to Brussels to condemn to the highest European authorities the financing and cooperation of taxpayers as well as the main European institutions to the Cuban regime. The regime only serves to perpetuate dictatorship and political persecution as well as punish Cuban citizens inside and outside the island who oppose it.

This delegation, made up of well-known Hispanic congressmen and senators, mostly pro-human rights activists and even some political consultants, hope to meet this week with many European representatives to condemn the fact that European regulations do not allow support for regimes that violate human rights. The delegation is made up of people such as its president and Costa Rican congressman Dragos Donalescu, Cuban activist Luis Zuñiga, Salvadoran congressman Ricardo Godoy, Dominican congressman Elías Wessin Chávez, Mexican pro-human rights lawyer and director of Cpac in Mexico René Bolio and political consultant Danny Quirós. They plan to work together with Orlando Gutiérrez to expose to the European Parliament all the miseries of a regime that feeds on funds for "aid" and "cooperation" to continue violently repressing anyone who does not want to continue living in the misery of socialism. The failed regime has caused the exile of millions of Cubans to the coasts of Florida or from that same island to a great number of nations that have welcomed hundreds of thousands of Cubans who decided to flee from the dictatorship now held by Diaz-Canel.

All this comes just a few weeks after the world witnessed the shameful spectacle that took place in Mexico City when a dozen people took to the streets shouting "The street belongs to Fidel!" and decided to corner and beat the exiled leader Orlando Gutierrez for his actions condemning the regime in the country. All of this was done to demand freedom for political prisoners. Before such altercations, there was no response from the populist leader and friend of the worst narco-dictatorships in the region, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, or from Mexico City's Head of Government, Claudia Sheinbaum, who days before had issued warnings and encouraged the violence that "fascists" who had gathered to celebrate the first CPAC 2022 or conservative meeting in Mexico would bring.

European Union asked to stop feeding the Cuban dictatorship

This only further motivated the group of legislators and activists who decided this week not to wait any longer. They decided to go to the European Parliament itself to ask the highest authorities to stop financing a regime that tortures and kills hundreds of thousands of Cubans on and off the island. The Cuban G2 is responsible for inflitrating and bringing extreme violence and confrontation to third countries through protests disguised as "social justice."

The results of this move and the next moves of European diplomacy remain to be seen, but there is no doubt that this unprecedented step is being taken with the support of the European Union backed by key MEPs such as Hermann Terstch, who has been a member of the European Parliament for more than a decade. They acted on behalf of millions of Spaniards and Hispanics last week once again showing their repulsion and strongest disapproval of the policies of support for a regime whose disastrous results in economic and humanitarian management continue to condemn an entire group to absolute ruin.

Of course, the Cuban dictatorship continues to lose support especially after the recent protests calling for its end in order to live in peace. In short, let us hope that this public outcry at the European Parliament will stir the conscience of many more European legislators and leaders who so far seem not to care that the island has become the largest prison in the world where minors and women are arrested daily for demanding respect for basic human rights.

Finally, we cannot forget to acknowledge the work of the Hemispheric Front for Freedom, whose advisor allowed me and supported me to make this proposal to present it in the European Parliament. It is with their support as well as the support of the group of conservatives and reformists that we will confront all those who continue to defend the fake Cuban democracy and openness on the island while thousands of people continue to die.
