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Two cops under investigation for alleged policy violations in Scottie Scheffler arrest

The best player on the planet was arrested due to what he referred to as a “misunderstanding” when he tried to access the Valhalla Golf Club, where the PGA Championship was being held.

Los policías involucrados en el arresto de Scottie Scheffler, el golfista número uno del mundo, serán investigados para determinar si violaron las normas durante el procedimiento

Scottie Scheffler. (AFP)

Louisville Metropolitan Police Department (LMPD) officers involved in the arrest of Scottie Scheffler, the world’s best golfer, will be investigated to determine whether or not they followed the department’s policies for carrying out arrests, announced Mayor Craig Greenberg.

“I think that’s critically important that we do that, not just in high profile events like took place on Friday, but on a regular basis,” Greenberg said, according to statements reported by the Louisville Courier-Journal. “And if policies are not being followed, there will be transparency about that. There will be action taken.”

The mayor explained that one specific situation that raised doubts about compliance with the protocol was that no images from police body cameras were available from the incident last Friday morning.

“From my understanding, based on the facts I am aware of right now, I understand why body cam may not have been turned on at the initial contact between Officer [Bryan] Gillis and Mr. Scheffler,” Greenberg detailed. “I still have questions about why it was not on during Mr. Scheffler’s arrest.”

Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel, the Police Department’s chief, confirmed that the arrest is being investigated internally and that they hope to provide updates throughout the week.

"The internal investigation is still ongoing. Any policy violations that are revealed through the course of the investigation will be appropriately addressed according to LMPD's disciplinary protocol."

Scheffler’s arrest came last week when he allegedly attempted to pass a police officer directing traffic and failed to stop when told to do so.

Following the arrest, Scheffler was booked into the Louisville Department of Corrections.

The traffic occurred when a man was killed outside Valhalla Golf Club, prompting a much more significant police presence than anticipated.

Due to that situation, Scheffler tried to quickly enter the Valhalla Golf Club, where the PGA Championship was being held.

The best golfer in the world blamed the situation on a “misunderstanding.”

“This morning, I was proceeding as directed by police officers. It was a very chaotic situation, understandably so considering the tragic accident that had occurred earlier, and there was a big misunderstanding of what I thought I was being asked to do,” Scheffler said. “I never intended to disregard any of the instructions. I’m hopeful to put this to the side and focus on golf today.”

“Of course, all of us involved in the tournament express our deepest sympathies to the family of the man who passed away in the earlier accident this morning. It truly puts everything in perspective.”
