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Panama closes three access points in Darien

The measure is part of the Panamanian authorities' efforts to stop the migratory flow at the dangerous border crossing.

Inmigrantes cruzando la Selva del Darién


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The Panamanian government reported that it has closed three access points to the Darien jungle. The information was confirmed by Panama's National Border Service (Senafront). The measure is part of the government's efforts to stop the migratory flow in the dangerous border crossing point.

The Senafront explained that "three unauthorized crossings used by irregular migrants were closed, which are identified as the Pacific coast and Caribbean coast crossings (...), as well as the land crossings that give access to the Hito de Chucurti sector, the latter was blocked with perimeter barriers that prevent the passage of migrants."

"With the previous control, security forces were available at multiple points, which dispersed efficiency in the fight against transnational criminal organizations that profit from human trafficking, illicit collections andother crimes related to this vulnerable population," the service added in a statement obtained by Efe.

Meanwhile, Panamanian Security Minister Frank Abregó said they will continue to promote measures to control the entry of immigrants.

"We have decided, through previous meetings to install a series of blockades in most of these routes. Precisely, to establish what we can call a humanitarian cordon through the Cañas Blancas post, which will allow all those who arrive there to undergo a prior check," Abregó said.


The information on the Panamanian government's measures went public only days after the new president, José Raúl Mulino, signed an agreement with the United States to deal with the migratory crisis. He agreed to repatriate illegal immigrants.

"The U.S. will support Panama's efforts to begin the 'swift, safe and humane' repatriation of migrants who do not have a legal basis to remain in Panama. By returning such individuals to their country of origin, we will help deter irregular migration in the region and at our southern border," the White House said in a statement.

In 2023, half a million people crossed the dangerous jungle border with Colombia. AFP reported that so far this year, more than 200,000 people, "the vast majority Venezuelans have passed through the inhospitable Darien Gap, where criminal gangs operate kidnapping, robbing and raping migrants. Many die in this jungle."
