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An individual who claims to be a "vampire" has been convicted of raping a mentally disabled minor

Adam Hetke, who calls himself Sabrina, will also be tried for the murder (by strangulation) of a young man with a cognitive disability who, according to him, was "possessed by a demon."

Un individuo que dice ser

Captura de video - The New York Post / Po


A 35-year-old trans man, who claims to be a vampire, was convicted by a Waukesha County (Wisconsin) court of sexually assaulting a mentally disabled teenager in 2021. The subject is also facing homicide charges for strangling a cognitively disabled young man to death. He claimed the man was "possessed by a demon," according to The Waukesha Freeman.

Adam Hetke, who goes by Sabrina, is a convicted sex offender who was released from prison in 2020. Last week he was convicted of first-degree sexual assault for threatening to use a dangerous weapon (knife) and second-degree assault on a mentally incapacitated victim. While he was being processed, he underwent a cognitive evaluation to determine if he could stand trial. Hetke is reportedly competent and does not have any mental health issues, Reduxx reported.

The cases against Hake

His most recent crime is linked to a mentally disabled 16-year-old girl, whom Hetke met at a gas station in July 2021. He took her home and sexually abused her while threatening to use a knife during the act. The teenager stated that Hetke: "Told her that he was a vampire and that he would bite her if she didn't do what he wanted."

Hetke has five more open cases against him, one for disorderly conduct in prison and the others are criminal property damage charges for allegedly kicking down a cell door and bashing a shower door.

Hetke's criminal history dates back to a 2007 case of second-degree sexual assault of a female victim. He was sentenced to eight years in prison with four years of supervision and was placed on the sex offender registry for life. Shortly before his release (January 26, 2016), the Waukesha Police Department warned that Hetke was at a "high risk" of reoffending.

Again in 2019, Hetke was convicted of sexual assault, in this case also involving a female victim. After a week in jail, he was released, administratively, by the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office (this form of release occurs when prosecutors are not yet ready to file charges).

He will go to trial for murder

Hetke is also being investigated for a charge of first-degree premeditated murder in connection with the 2021 death of Vydale Thompson-Moody, a 28-year-old man with cognitive disabilities.

Thompson-Moody was strangled with a 15-foot extension cord inside a home. Hetke stated that the young man was "possessed by a demon" and claimed to have exorcised it from his body. At the same time, he pointed out that this same demon forced him to wrap a cord around his neck and pull the ends.

However, a witness in the case stated that Hetke admitted to killing the man because he "disrespected" him. According to official documents, Hetke told the witness: "I killed him. God can't bring him back, but I can because I am the devil."

The trial for the homicide case is scheduled for April 30.

Criminal Complaint 1 Hetke... by Veronica Silveri
