Trans treatments on minors, "one of the biggest ethical scandals in the history of medicine"
The report warns that there is a lack of information on the effectiveness of this care, despite the fact that its defenders promise that they are reversible.

After interviewing 67 French and international experts, a working group of the French Senate concluded that transitional treatments will be considered "one of the biggest ethical scandals in the history of medicine."
"An ethical scandal endorsed by the medical profession, schools, universities, the media and politicians," adds the report commissioned by the Les Républicains party, which then promised to introduce laws to prohibit treatments for minors under 18 years of age.
The report ensures that surgeries and treatments in general - such as puberty blockers - have increased in recent years due to the evidence-lacking promise that treatments are reversible and the unwillingness to consider other possible causes of young people's discontent, such as anxiety or some type of trauma, such as having suffered sexual abuse. It also lists other factors such as pressure from doctors towards parents and the influence of social media:
He also assures that there is little evidence on the effectiveness of this care, and that its side effects are often overlooked.
Rapport Sur La Transidentification Des Mineurs by Santiago Adolfo Ospital on Scribd
The testimonies in the 369-page report, which breaks down more than 35 hours of hearings, join other warning statements from experts, such as that of the director of the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network (CBC), Kallie Fell, to Voz Media :
Fell claims that transitional surgeries are the "a perfect example where the medical field has abandoned the Hippocratic Oath": do no harm - a phrase that French researchers claim to have heard numerous times during the hearings. A series of documentaries produced by the CBC collected testimonies from young people who regret their gender transition. The detransitioners explain what led them to see the operating room as a solution to their anxieties and ask for changes in the stages prior to the operating room, to prevent their cases from continuing to repeat themselves.
These testimonies of repentance, both from young people and their parents, are being heard more and more. Not without controversy: a documentary similar to the one at the center directed by Fell, No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care by Deplorable Films, was pulled from theaters shortly after its release early last year.