Authorities investigate an oil spill in Huntington Beach, California
The Coast Guard is contacting all possible spill sources in the area, but none have been identified.

Huntington Beach (California) | Guardia Costera/ Petty Officer 1st Class Richard Brahm
The Coast Guard reported that it is investigating an oil spill off the coast of Huntington Beach, California. The Coast Guard explained that a Unified Command was established with representatives from the guard, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Office of Spill Prevention and Response (CDFW-OSPR) and the Orange County Sheriff's Department in response to the complaint.
"Coast Guard Pollution Responders got underway with a Newport Harbor Patrol boat to investigate. A Coast Guard helicopter also conducted an overflight in the area at sunrise. Upon investigation, an oil sheen was discovered that spanned 2.5 miles in length and 0.5 miles in width in position 33-40.100N 118-04.500W, roughly 2.8 miles off Huntington Beach near platforms Emmy and Eva," the Coast Guard explained in a statement.
The authorities explained that the Coast Guard is contacting all possible spill sources in the area, but none have been identified. Additionally, an oil spill response organization has been hired to conduct offshore oil collection and is working to identify potential impacts on shore.