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Americans harden their view on immigration and demand tougher measures from Biden

61% consider it to be "a serious problem" while, for the first time, more than half (53%) are in favor of finishing the southern border wall and 61% call for an end to the "capture and release" policy.

Agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza detienen a 128 inmigrantes abandonados por traficantes en Tucson en 2018.

Agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza detienen a inmigrantes ilegales en Tucson en una foto de archivo, (CBP/Flickr)

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The Biden Administration's do-gooder immigration policies have not only led to the arrival of unprecedented numbers of illegal immigrants, but have caused Americans to harden their views on immigration, regardless of the party with which they identify. Nearly two out of three voters consider immigration to be "a serious problem," a figure that rises to 84% among those who consider it at least "somewhat serious." Furthermore, for the first time, more than a half of respondents (53%) are in favor of finishing the wall on the southern border and 61% ask that those without papers be returned to Mexico or wait there while your case is studied, against the "catch and release" policy on national soil of Alejandro Mayorkas.

Democrats who see immigration as "a serious problem" soar

The Monmouth University survey also shows the worsening evolution of the consideration of immigration among citizens in recent years. In the latest edition, published last Monday, 91% of Republican voters see illegal immigration as "a serious problem," compared to 77% who considered it in 2019 and 66% in 2015. Democrats who have this perception are currently 41%, compared to 26% in 2019, with Donald Trump in the White House and 33% who affirmed it in 2015, at the end of Barack Obama 's term. Among independents, who barely changed their opinion with the two previous presidents (42% and 43%, respectively), those who find a "serious problem" in the current situation have shot up to 58%.

This translates into the request for stronger measures to stop the avalanche of migrants who continue trying to cross the border, which remains at record numbers. Thus, for the first time since 2015, more than half of Americans (53%) are in favor of building a wall on the southern border. Until now, the highest support for the construction of this containment work was recorded in 2015, with 48% of those surveyed . After Trump's first year in the White House, support sank to 35%, although it rose to 44% in 2019.

Total rejection of Mayorkas' "catch and release"

There are also more people calling for an end to the Biden Administration's "catch and release" policy on US soil. Almost two in three respondents (61%) believe that those without papers should wait in Mexico, or be returned there until their asylum application is processed. In contrast, 35% think they should stay in the US. These figures contrast with the situation five years ago, when 41% considered that they should wait for processing in the US and 51% that they should do it on the other side of the border.

Measures to stop immigration are not "tough enough"

The measures taken in recent times to stop immigration are not "tough enough" for almost half of voters (47%). Democrats are very divided in this field, although a slight majority (51%) considers that they are "fine." On the contrary, Republicans (77%) and independents (48%) think they are too soft. Regarding the failure of the last Democratic proposal in the Senate, those surveyed accuse both parties (48%) of having caused the initiative to fail, while a third (36%) point to the Republicans and 13% to the Democrats.

Notable increase in the perception of immigrants as possible criminals

The perception of immigrants themselves has also worsened among voters. Although a slight majority (39%) believes that illegals "have the same possibilities" as nationals of committing a crime, compared to 32% who consider that they have more possibilities of doing so. Data that, however, reflects an important change in the vision of citizens, since in 2015, 59% considered them equally capable of committing crimes as Americans, while those who saw a greater danger in them barely reached 17%.

The director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, Patrick Murray, noted that these results indicate that "Illegal immigration has taken center stage as a defining issue this presidential election year. Other Monmouth polling found this to be Biden’s weakest policy area, including among his fellow Democrats."
