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Foreign policy and immigration are Americans' main concerns in 2024

Thirty-eight percent of citizens mention the nation's position in world conflicts and wars as a priority issue. Thirty-five percent say the same about the migration crisis.

Bandera, frontera, elecciones


An Associated Press poll found that immigration will be one of Americans' "top priority" issues in 2024. The immigration crisis repeats this year as one of the biggest concerns for 35% of citizens (55% of Republicans and 22% of Democrats).

Overall, 35% cite immigration and the border wall as a top concern, up from 27% in December 2022.

However, immigration came in second place in the ranking, trailing only foreign policy, which managed to be the most important issue for all citizens with 38%, compared to 18% last year.

Priorities Brief by Veronica Silveri on Scribd

Concerns in 2024

The survey revealed that "economic issues are of particular concern, especially inflation with 30% mentioning it as a top priority." Another 24% say the same about the economy in general. On the other hand, only 19% of citizens "expect 2024 to be better than last year for the nation. Fifty-one percent think 2024 will look much like 2023, and 29% anticipate a worse year":

Inflation is a top concern for 30% overall, 41% among Republicans, and 24% among Democrats.

Regarding the "problems facing the United States and the world today" and what citizens want the government to address, 60% mentioned foreign policy (up from 41% in December 2022). Another 22% named education, and 21% named climate change:

36% of Democrats prioritize climate change and the environment along with only 8% of Republicans.