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New record of Americans owning a gun

A survey indicates that 52% of citizens are armed, which represents an increase of 10% in the last decade.

Pistola y balas.


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The number of Americans who, in accordance with the Second Amendment, take advantage of their right to self-defense has reached an all-time high. An NBC survey concludes that 52% of citizens, or someone in their household, owns a firearm. This represents an increase of 10% since 2013.

"An impressive figure"

The survey shows the highest number of armed Americans since this question began to be included in their surveys in 1999. In 2019, the number of households with at least one gun was 46%, six points lower. 2023 data confirms a bullish trend in citizens' perception of the need to protect themselves, since in 2013 the number of people with guns was 42%.

The survey was conducted in collaboration with Public Opinion Strategies (POS), which has a Republican leaning, and Hart Research, which has a Democratic profile. POS CEO, Micah Roberts, stated that "Over the last ten years, we have grown 10% in our possession of weapons. It is an impressive figure. "In general, things don't change as drastically and as quickly when it comes to something as fundamental as gun ownership."

In the last decade, both Republican and Democratic voters who own guns have increased. In 2023, armed conservatives reached 57% of respondents, up from 55 10 years ago. In the case of blue party voters, they went from 30% to 33%.
