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The mayor of Chicago announces that he will visit the southern border following the increase in arrivals of buses with immigrants to the city

Brandon Johnson assured that more than 17,000 asylum seekers have already arrived and criticized Governor Greg Abbott.

Brandon Johnson, el alcalde de Chicago, anuncia el 4 de octubre de 2023 que visitará la frontera sur para evaluar la situación con los migrantes próximamente.

(YouTube: Mayor Brandon Johnson)

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Chicago continues to experience its immigration crisis. For this reason, the mayor of Chicago, Democrat Brandon Johnson, announced to journalists that he will travel to Texas with a delegation from the city to see first-hand what the immigration situation is like on the southern border. Of course, he did not reveal when exactly the visit will take place:

This is a growing crisis not only for the city of Chicago, but for the entire planet. So they want to punish Chicago for being the best city in the world, but we will continue to fight together, doing our part to make sure we stand up for the people who have needed the government to respond to their critical needs for generations. My going to the border is to make sure that everyone knows that my Administration is committed to making sure that we are marshaling the full force of government at all levels to ensure that these families, who by the way, are not illegals, they are asylum-seekers, are protected by international law. We need to go evaluate the situation, just like our team went to DC. We need better coordination. Here's the thing: I recognize what our southern states are facing.

Twenty buses arrive in Chicago in the last week

The crossing occurs amid the massive arrival of buses to Chicago loaded with migrants. As Johnson revealed in statements reported by Just the News, fourteen buses arrived on Wednesday and he assured that up to 22 more could arrive throughout the week:

That's how chaotic it is, that's quite frankly how chaotic it is. At one point, there was a little bit of decorum that you wouldn't send buses in the middle of the night. They are now breaking curfew.

Johnson, for his part, blames the situation on Texas Governor Greg Abbott. The mayor of Chicago assured in statements reported by ABC Chicago that the Republican was the cause of the migratory crisis worsening in his city, which currently has up to 17,000 migrants seeking asylum:

Based upon our interactions thus far. It is becoming increasingly clear that those who want to disrupt our democracy are committed to doing that; it's a real mission of theirs. And so our hope is that we will continue to get more resources and a stronger commitment from the federal government to be able to provide us with the support that the people of Chicago need.

Chicago and Texas are not the only ones experiencing the ravages of the immigration crisis. In New York the situation is also worrying and the immigration crisis has also affected the state of Illinois. There, the governor J.B. Pritzker, demanded through a letter to the president Joe Biden and the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, to "take swift action and intervene" in the border crisis that has caused the arrival of more than 15,000 asylum seekers to their state and that, little by little, they continue to enter other cities and states of the nation.
