Commander, Biden's dog, expelled from the White House
For the second time in a row, the aggressive behavior of one of the president's pets causes him to be kicked out of his residence in Washington, D.C.

(White House / Flickr).
Biden's two-year-old German shepherd, Commander, is no longer in the White House. The president's pet was expelled from his residence in Washington, D.C. after several incidents were reported in which the animal bit the Biden employees.
That caused the animal to be kicked out of the White House, as explained by Elizabeth Alexander, communications director for the First Lady, Jill Biden. She explained, in statements reported by AP, that the Bidens were concerned about the safety of all their workers and, for this reason, they had decided to move their pet out of the White House:
Commander attacked at least eleven people in the White House
Specifically, Biden's dog was involved in at least eleven cases. One of the latest came in late September when Commander bit a Secret Service agent.
This incident became the eleventh reported by the media and, at that time, Alexander justified the dog's behavior by stating that "the White House can be a stressful environment for family pets" and that the Biden family would continue to "work on ways to help Commander handle the often unpredictable nature of the White House grounds."
Weeks later, the Daily Mail exclusively published footage showing Commander attacking Dale Haney, the White House gardener. However, Karine Jean-Pierre assured that the snapshots had been misinterpreted since both were playing and the animal had not bitten Haney, in fact "it neither ripped nor broke skin during the incident."
It is not the first time that a Biden pet has had to leave the White House. Major, another Biden German shepherd, was also kicked out of the presidential residence due to his aggressive behavior. Currently, the dog resides with some friends of the Bidens in Delaware.