CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccination for Americans six months and older
"Vaccination remains the best protection against COVID-19 related hospitalization and death and reduces your chance of suffering the effects of Long COVID," the agency has stated.

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One day after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the new updates to the COVID-19 vaccines of both Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that All Americans over six months of age receive a new dose.
Through a statement, the CDC assured that "vaccination remains the best protection against COVID-19-related hospitalization and death" for a virus that "is always changing" and that, in addition, "reduces your chance of suffering the effects of Long COVID."
"We have more tools than ever to prevent the worst outcomes from COVID-19," said Mandy Cohen, the agency's director. "CDC is now recommending updated COVID-19 vaccination for everyone 6 months and older to better protect you and your loved ones."
The CDC said Americans should get vaccinated "to protect against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19 illness this fall and winter."
New updates to the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines will be available this week and free to most citizens.
Biden supports vaccination even though covid-19 "no longer significantly disrupts our lives"
For his part, President Joe Biden, in a statement, endorsed the recommendations of the CDC. He said that, since he has been at the helm of the federal administration, he "has made historic progress in our ability to manage COVID-19 so that it no longer meaningfully disrupts our lives."
"As we head into fall and winter, we are in our strongest position yet with more tools and systems available than ever before, including safe and effective vaccines, widely available at-home tests, and effective treatments," Biden continued.
Fauci insists on wearing masks again
Apart from vaccination, another measure to avoid catching covid-19 is masks, despite the fact that certain studies showed their lack of effectiveness. In an interview on CNN, former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci reappeared to insist we should use them again.
"I hope they would abide by the recommendation and take into account the risks to themselves and their families," said Fauci, who expressed concern that Americans "will not abide by recommendations."