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Polaris guitarist Ryan Siew dies at age 26

The artist passed away last week, however, it was not until this Tuesday that the Australian group released the news. The cause of death was not disclosed.

Ryan Siew


Australian metalcore band Polaris guitarist Ryan Siew passed away on Monday, June 19 at the age of 26. The news was not shared until Tuesday when the band released a statement on social media, without yet revealing the cause of his death:

It is with shattered hearts & the deepest sorrow that we tell you our dear brother and bandmate Ryan Siew passed away on the morning of Monday June 19. He was 26 years old, and for 10 incredible years he was our best friend and artistic soulmate. Those years will never be enough.He was kindhearted and clever, he was funny and brave and creative, and he was talented beyond all measure.

Fellow band members Jamie Hails, Rick Schneider, Jake Steinhauser and Daniel Furnari expressed their condolences and sent a message to Siew's fans stating that Siew had a deep love for his fans:

He loved art, and beauty in all its forms. … Most of all, he loved & adored his family & friends. He was also much admired and beloved by so many. Ryan, we will love and miss you for the rest of our days, and we will never fill the hole that you leave in all of our lives.

Siew's death comes just months after he shared an image on his Instagram account showing him in a hospital bed, rumored to be undergoing treatment for depression. In the message he announced that he was "working on myself" and "happy to say that I am no longer taking any antidepressants."

Hi all!! I haven’t posted here for a while - hope everyone has had a good new year etc etc. I’ve had to step away and spend most of 2023 working on myself and for the first time for as long as I can remember, I’m happy to say I’m no longer on any anti depressants, no longer living with the constant brain fog and lethargy. Although I’ve also had a few health scares that have been quite sobering. Between all of that, I think I’m back on track to be the best version of myself. I’m learning new things, growing and I’m most importantly recovering.

Summer tour cancelled

Last week, with the news of the death not yet released, Polaris announced the cancellation of their summer tour which would be playing in several cities in Europe. The reasons: "A serious personal crisis in our family":

Our hearts are with his family first and foremost, but also with all those whose lives he touched. We ask that you please respect the wishes of Ryan’s family for privacy at this time, and likewise that you give us, our team and family the space to grieve & attempt to heal from this immeasurable loss. We know that you will be grieving with us and that we, and our community, will hold each other through this.

The group Polaris was formed in Sydney, Australia, in 2012. They were honored with an ARIA award in 2021 in the category of Best Independent Heavy Album for “The Death of Me.”
