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Heat wave triggers alert in southern part of the country: temperatures to exceed 100ºF

The weekend ended with five deaths and approximately half a million people without power due to severe thunderstorms.

En Texas, las temperaturas podrían llegar a superar este lunes los 119 ºF.

En Texas, las temperaturas podrían llegar a superar este lunes los 119 ºF (National Weather Service)

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This weekend ended with five deaths and approximately half a million people without electricity after the passage of several storms. The southern part of the United States was the hardest hit, with Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana being the states most affected by the storm.

In Oklahoma, as of 3:28 ET, 218,034 customers reported problems with electricity. In Texas, 91,247 people reported having electrical issues while Louisiana reported complications in the homes of 86,455 people, according to Poweroutage.us.

In addition to the storms, the high temperatures also generated problems among citizens in the southern part of the nation. In Houston, the National Weather Service warned that temperatures over the next few days could exceed 110 ºF (43 ºC) while recommending that residents of the state take measures to avoid heat stroke:

In Madison County, Iowa, one person died after Friday's inclement weather damaged a total of 69 homes. Another person died in Florida on Thursday after being trapped under a tree in his home following a tornado. The other three people, reports CNN, died in Perrytown, Texas, following a tornado on Thursday. There were two adults and one child.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott visited the town, located in the Panhandle of the state, after the passage of the tornado. At the end of the visit, he published the following message announcing that he had deployed the most essential services to help the citizens most affected by the tornadoes:

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, temperatures for the next few days are also expected to be high, although slightly lower than what will be recorded in Texas. This was assured by the local National Weather Service, which published the following message on its social networks:
