86% of Americans consider homeless a "serious problem"
Most perceive that the phenomenon "has worsened" over the last two years throughout the country.

An overwhelming 86% of Americans consider the homeless problem to be "serious." Moreover, almost 60% consider that this is a phenomenon that "has worsened" throughout the country over the last two years.
According to a Rasmussen Reports survey, among the 86% who consider the homeless crisis a serious problem, 55% consider it "very serious." This perception is about the same across respondents' political affiliations. Fifty-eight percent of Republican supporters, 56% of Democrats, and 52% of independents consider this to be the case. On the contrary, 33% of respondents see the problem as "somewhat serious."
Disagreement over who should take charge
More people also believe that the problem has worsened in the country over the last two years. Fifty-nine percent of Americans feel this way, compared to 12% who believe it has "improved" and 22% who say it is the same.
There is less consensus on who is responsible for seeking solutions. While 39% point the finger at the states, another 32% say it is the federal government that should take charge of the matter. Fifteen percent, however, said that it was up to local municipalities to take care of the homeless.