Vermont: border crisis also seen in the north
In the last three months of 2022, Border Patrol recorded a 743% increase in illegal immigrant encounters in the Green Mountain State.

Paso fronterizo de Beecher Falls, Vermont / Wikimedia Commons
During the last three months of 2022, Vermont witnessed an exponential increase in illegal immigration. In this period, agents in Sector Swanton, which spans the entire border between Vermont and Canada, arrested more immigrants trying to enter the country illegally than in the last two fiscal years combined.
In total, Border Patrol estimated a 743% increase in migrant encounters, as confirmed by Swanton Sector Chief Robert Garcia:
Harsh weather conditions and human trafficking
To cross the border in this region, illegal immigrants risk their lives due to the heavy frosts and low temperatures during these months of the year. This is compounded by the geographical location, with high mountains that make transit difficult. For this reason, Agent Garcia explains Border Patrol's main objective:
In addition, Agent Garcia says that his units target criminal organizations engaged in human trafficking along the U.S.-Canada border: