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55% of Hispanics are against granting general amnesty to illegals

Most Americans want the border wall to be completed and advocate for governors to take action if the federal government fails.

Immigrants intercepted in Yuma, Arizona / Sheena Rodriguez.

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Fifty-five percent of Hispanics disagree with the Biden Administration for granting full amnesty and citizenship to illegal immigrants in the country. In addition, 62% of Americans believe that governors have an obligation to take action to address the flood of people who are crossing the border irregularly while the government fails to take action. Likewise, nearly 63% believe that completing the border wall "is essential for national security."

This is indicated by data collected by a Trafalgar Group survey on border security and the record numbers of illegal immigrants. The surveyors divided the questions into three parts: Amnesty and citizenship for illegal aliens who are in the country, if governors should intervene despite the federal government's competence if the latter fails to act, and if the completion of the wall is essential for national security.

Republican Salazar insists on amnesty for illegals

The amnesty debate has been recurring for some years now. It's not just a Democratic issue. Just this month, Latina Republican Congresswoman Maria Salazar brought the issue back to the table at the Davos Forum, asking for it to be granted to the estimated 13-15 million people currently in this situation. However, a majority of Hispanics (55%) oppose this initiative. They are against simply granting asylum to those who are awaiting a decision on their asylum application.

Americans are generally against granting amnesty to illegal aliens regardless of political affiliations (59%). Conservative voters are even more reluctant (71%), while 36% of Democrats are opposed. Thirty percent supports amnesty and granting citizenship to those who have applied for asylum and for those who are illegally residing in the country. Voters who consider themselves independent also overwhelmingly (61.9%) oppose this initiative.

Completing the wall and governors' obligation to intervene

When asked if governors "have an obligation to intervene" to resolve the southern border crisis if the federal government fails, 62.2% were in favor compared to 30.1% who rejected this measure. The position changes radically depending on the political affiliations of the respondent. An overwhelming 89.2% of Republican voters support governors' interference, while 68.9% of Democrats believe they don't have an obligation to get involved.

Finally, 62.6% indicated that the completion of the border wall is "essential for national security." Like the previous questions, the responses vary depending on the participants' political affiliations. Democrats strongly oppose the wall (86.1%) while a meager 9.6% support the measure. Quite the opposite is true for GOP voters. The vast majority (92.9%) support the measure compared to 6.6% who oppose it.
