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Maryland Hero: Boy rescues younger sister from burning home

The 11-year-old boy, who suffered minor burns to one arm, ran back inside his home when he realized that the two-year-old girl hadn't made it out.

Captura Kamera One.

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An 11-year-old boy has been named a hero for going back into a burning house to save his two-year-old sister in Salisbury. The boy suffered "very minor burns" on his arm. The firefighters who came to put out the fire recognized the boy for his bravery.

According to the Maryland State Fire Marshal's Office report, the fire started on the second floor of the home due to an electrical malfunction. When the smoke alarms went off, the occupants of the house evacuated quickly. The little boy, upon reaching the street, realized that his little sister was still inside and went back for her.

The 11 year old male juvenile was slightly burned when he exited the apartment after after rescuing his 2 year old sister.  He exited the apartment upon discovering the fire, once outside he realized his 2 year old sister was still inside.  He returned into the apartment and was able to rescue her from the 2nd floor.  He was slightly burned making his second escape from the apartment with his sister.  His injuries were so minor they did not require on scene medical attention.