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There were 135 attacks on pro-life organizations in just five months

"The media is less likely to cover violence [against] pro-life organizations," a Crime Prevention Research Center report claims.

Pro vida


The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) identified 135 attacks on pro-life entities between May 3 and Sept. 24, 2022. In comparison, there were just 6 attacks involving those who are pro-choice.

The report argues that after the Dobbs decision was leaked, there was over 22 times more violence directed against pro-life groups than against pro-abortion organizations. It also insinuates that "the media is less likely to cover violence [against] pro-life organizations."

Attacks on pro-life organizations

The CPRC conducted a search with keywords such as "attacks on abortion," "abortion clinic violence,""pro-abortion attacks," and "attacks on pregnancy centers." Some news items were included from sources such as the Catholic News Agency.

National Abortion Federation (NAF) Chief Program Officer Melissa Fowler said, "We have seen a steady rise in violence and harassment against providers from anti-abortion extremists who continue to be emboldened by the Supreme Court’s decision." However, despite these statements, the data seem to prove otherwise. On May 3, 2022 alone, 5 attacks on people and pro-life organizations were recorded in different parts of the country:

- Denton, Texas: An Antifa man smashed the door of a college student and conservative activist who has been repeatedly harassed at the University of North Texas.

- Portland, Oregon: Demonstrations at Portland State University attacked and damaged facades of small businesses downtown. They cited the leaked Supreme Court draft that suggested overturning Roe v. Wade to justify their actions.

- Canto Rodado, Colorado: Sacred Heart of Mary Church was destroyed. Vandals spray-painted the phrases "my body, my choice" and "abortion saves lives" on the church doors. Windows were also broken and statues of saints were defaced.

- Los Angeles, California: Abortion activists threw rocks and bottles at police officers and one officer had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance for treatment. Pro-abortion protesters also smashed the window of a police vehicle.

- Phoenix, Arizona: Pro-abortion protesters insulted, cursed, spat on and berated volunteers from the group "Students for Kari," which was working to help elect Republican Kari Lake as the state's governor.

DOJ does not add cases

The Department of Justice (DOJ) maintains an updated list of recent cases of violence against reproductive health care providers. But since Dobbs' decision, the DOJ has added only one case to its list: a property attack on a Planned Parenthood facility in July.

This year, the Biden Administration has sought incidents with which it could bring federal actions against pro-life organizations. However, it has been years since the DOJ has collected cases of violence or property damage against anti-abortion individuals or organizations.

"It never made much sense, anyway. Why would a major win in the Supreme Court cause pro-life people to suddenly resort to more violence? The pro-choice people would be more upset and, presumably, more likely to lash out," notes writer
