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Most Hispanics accuse Biden of forgetting the middle class

A survey indicates that the majority of the general population is dissatisfied with the Administration's economic measures.

(Cordon Press)

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The majority of Americans (54.5%) criticize the Biden Administration for caring less about the middle class than previous presidents. The numbers are even stronger among Hispanics (61%) and people of Asian origin (66.8%).

These results came from a Trafalgar Group survey for the Association of Mature American Citizens. Rebecca Weber, the association's executive director, explained to Just The News, that the data demonstrates citizens’ discomfort with the president’s economic policies, especially regarding the fight against inflation, energy prices, the fight against crime andthe neglect of illegal immigration. Gender indoctrination in schools are also rejected by the majority.

The interests of the radical left come first

In response to the question "Do you think that the Biden Administration cares more or less about the middle class than previous administrations?" 51.5% of respondents answered "much less," compared to 3% who said "somewhat less." 11.4% answered "somewhat more," and 31.7% said "much more."

AMAC stresses that this perception is especially damaging for someone who came to the White House precisely because of his "empathy" and "his ostensible ability to feel the pain of Americans." In light of this poll, citizens perceive that the Democratic Party "puts the priorities of the radical left before those of the American people on issue after issue, from energy and the economy to the border and crime."

Gasoline is 60% more expensive since Biden's arrival

In Weber's view, the "average Americans is feeling it when we go to the pump. We have to remember that gas shot up more than 60% under Joe Biden." "Over 52% point their finger at the Biden administration as being responsible for inflation," Weber said. "69% of Latinos are blaming the Biden administration. That tells us something. That tells us that people are fed up and we ought to be listening."

Weber stressed as another major problem that "the nation is not safer today than we were just a few years ago." In addition, she warned the president that his insistence on indoctrinating children in schools about gender ideology may backfire, something they may begin to see in the upcoming midterms. "Parental rights are so important. It's a big part of our freedom, and confidence in public schools is very, very low — only at 28%," Weber said. For this reason, the head of AMAC believes that "the federal government needs to stay out of the way and not be involved in parental decisions.”

The low rate of confidence in public schools is mainly due to safety in schools, although Weber points out other reasons: "They also don't feel like they're learning the basics such as reading and writing and arithmetic. Instead, they're being taught this gender lunacy. They're being taught how to become leftist activists. They're being taught not to love our nation."
