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Biden celebrates Columbus Day while ignoring Hispanics

The Hispanic-American community has much to celebrate this Columbus Day.

Columbus Day

(Wikimedia Commons)

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Joe Biden issued a presidential proclamation in which he declared October 10 as Columbus Day and called for the American flag to fly on all public buildings "in honor of our diverse history and all who have helped shape this nation."

However, the president omitted in his speech any reference to the Spanish legacy in America, except to say that Columbus left Spanish shores on behalf of the kings of Spain. Biden did not make a single allusion to the Hispanic world and focused on the Italian heritage of Christopher Columbus' supposed Genoese origin.

In this regard, Biden's proclamation focused on Italian immigrants, of whom the president said:

Italian immigrants have had the courage to leave many things behind, driven by their faith in the American dream, to build a new life of hope and possibility in the United States. Today, Italian Americans are leaders in all fields, including government, healthcare, business, innovation and culture.

Therefore, Biden celebrates Columbus Day by praising Italian-Americans and forgetting about Hispanics and the Hispanic-American community. During this month of October, both the Italian-American and Hispanic-American communities celebrate their heritage months. The Hispanic-American population exceeds 60 million people in the country compared to more than 15 million Italian-Americans.

The Hispanic community takes a stand on Columbus Day

In any case, the Hispanic-American community wants to remember the importance of Hispanic heritage on the discovery of the so-called New World. On this Columbus Day, the Hispanic Council explains the reasons why this community feels that Columbus Day should be celebrated.

Tradition, respect, evangelization? Also breaking down false myths, such as the ones related to genocide. We can consult this report to verify who Christopher Columbus really was: Columbus Day? Yes, thank you.

THC Columbus Day Digital Report by VozMedia on Scribd

Viva Columbus! Hispanics like him much more than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

On the other hand, a survey conducted by the Hispanic organization Bienvenido together with WPA Intelligence revealed that the majority of Hispanics (43%) have a favorable view of Christopher Columbus compared to 24% who say they view him negatively.

In this sense, the figure of Columbus is much more highly valued than that of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who in neither case reach 50% with disapproval rates among the Hispanic community at 42% and 41%, respectively.
