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The NGO suing DeSantis over migrant flights received more than $1 million from Soros

The billionaire has funded Alianza Americas, which is behind the complaint against the Florida governor, with generous donations since 2016.

Varios inmigrantes suben a un avión.

Inmigrantes Martha's Vineyard / Captura de pantalla FoxNews

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George Soros' shadow looms over the lawsuit that a group of immigrants who were moved to Martha's Vineyard filed against Ron DeSantis. The lawyers representing them are part of Alianza Americas, a left-leaning NGO that has received $1.4 million from the tycoon since 2016.

Soros' donations to this group was intended to promote an open borders agenda between the United States, Mexico and Central America. In addition, it sought to lobby on U.S. immigration policies.

New Republican policy on immigrants

The Republican policy of sending immigrants to sanctuary cities has Democrats and like-minded associations on edge. Associations such as Alianza Americas are quickly 'helping' immigrants defend their rights. To do so, they are funding their lawsuits against DeSantis, but are also forgetting the displaced who have applied to return to Martha's Vineyard in search of opportunities for a better life.

The Soros-funded group's lawsuit alleges that their Fourth and Fourteenth amendment rights were violated.

Florida Governor is dripping in complaints

This is not the only complaint DeSantis is facing regarding this matter. Another group of immigrants, represented by Lawyers for Civil Rights, has filed a lawsuit along the same lines.

Florida Democratic Senator Jason Pizzo has filed a complaint seeking a court ruling on whether Florida's use of funds to relocate immigrants from other states is in accordance with the law.

DeSantis warns he will continue to do so

Despite the controversy, Breitbart reports that DeSantis has promised to bring more illegal aliens to sanctuary cities and to the doorsteps of the Democratic Party's wealthiest and best-connected donors.
