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Tim Pearson, Eric Adams' right-hand man, resigns following the indictment of the mayor of New York City

The Democratic aide was in charge of the city's shelters and immigrant centers, one of the most controversial dossiers due to numerous incidents and irregularities.

Tim Pearson, behind Eric Adams, at a New York City rally.CBS New York.

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Tim Pearson, a personal aide to Eric Adams, resigned from his position in NYC government a week after the U.S. Attorney's Office filed five corruption charges against the Democratic mayor of New York.

Pearson held a high-ranking position in Adams' cabinet in the New York City mayor's office. He is part of the list of city officials whose communications devices were seized by Justice as part of the corruption investigation facing the Democratic mayor.

Eric Adams faces five charges for wire fraud, bribery and accepting irregular donations overseas. All for a scheme of favors with Erdogan's Turkish government authorities, who gifted him with trips to luxury destinations through the Turkish state airline. They were joined by some $10 million in irregular donations to Adams' 2021 campaign.

After the resignation became known, Eric Adams offered some parting comments for the one who was his strongman at City Hall in recent years. "Tim has had a long career in both the public and private sectors, where he has spent more than 30 years ensuring the safety and security of New Yorkers," Adams said in a statement.

According to New York Post sources, Pearson had been planning to resign for at least two weeks, but waited until now to do so. Mayor Eric Adams admitted last week that he and his closest staff were aware that the U.S. Attorney's Office would deliver the lunge sooner or later after an investigation that has lasted more than a year.

Responsible for immigrant shelters

Tim Pearson had, among other dossiers, the immigrant shelters and centers under his supervision. Such management is under federal investigation because of numerous problems and irregularities that have arisen in such centers under the Democratic administration in New York City, which declared itself a sanctuary for immigrants.

Pearson, in his resignation letter to Adams accessed by NYP, made no mention of the numerous problems that have plagued his two-year stint at City Hall, claiming he now wants to focus on "family, self-care and new ventures."

The mayor's right-hand man also insisted on his "pivotal role" in immigration services and security issues. He claimed to have advised Adams on new technologies and NYPD issues.

Along with questions surrounding his management of migrant centers, Pearson has drawn attention for a series of sexual harassment allegations against him and for continuing to be on the payroll of a casino while working for the city of New York.