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A 2018 video shows Kamala chanting 'down with deportation' alongside disgraced actor Jussie Smollett

The actor appeared alongside the vice president, was found guilty of faking a hate crime after falsely claiming to have been attacked by Donald Trump supporters.

Kamala Harris tras descender del Air Force 2 en una foto de archivo.

Kamala Harris after descending from Air Force 2.ZUMAPRESS.com / Cordon Press

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A video of current U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has reignited controversy over her political consistency and her link to controversial public figures. In the footage, recorded in 2018 when she was still a senator for California, she is seen participating in a chant against deportations during a parade in Los Angeles, accompanied by actor Jussie Smollett, who would later be convicted of fabricating a hate crime in 2019.

The video, initially reported by Daily Mail Online, shows Harris chanting "down, down with deportation," which has caused a stir because it reflects a more radical leftist stance on immigration issues, in contrast to her current approach. However, her participation in the chant is not the only thing that has sparked controversy, but also the presence of actor Jussie Smollett, who at the time enjoyed great popularity, but whose fall from grace has made the relationship with political figures such as Harris awkward.

Harris and her link to Smollett

Actor Jussie Smollett, who appears alongside Harris in the video, made international headlines after falsely claiming he was attacked by Donald Trump supporters in Chicago. At the time, Harris was among the public figures who quickly condemned the alleged attack, calling it "a modern-day lynching attempt." However, when it was revealed that Smollett had fabricated the incident, the connection between Harris and the actor became awkward, earning her criticism for making snap judgments. In January 2019, Smollett was found guilty of faking a hate crime.

Changing discourse on immigration

The resurgence of the video has also renewed scrutiny over Harris' stances on illegal immigration without consequences. During her 2019 presidential campaign, she championed measures such as expanding the  Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and decriminalizing border crossings. However, in her current presidential run, she has moderated her discourse, supporting more funding for border security and more resources for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This change of position has been criticized both by the left, which considers that she has betrayed her more progressive promises and by the right, which accuses her of inconsistency and opportunism in her approach to immigration.

Current stance and criticisms

Harris has tried to distance herself from some of her previous positions, arguing that her experience in government has shaped her views on immigration. Criticism persists, especially over her handling of the crisis at the southern border. As she prepares for the 2024 presidential campaign, her record on immigration issues remains under debate, and her participation in events such as the 2018 parade remains under scrutiny, especially in an increasingly polarized political environment.
