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Democratic Party intends to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants that were deported

While blaming Trump for the immigration system being broken, Democrats are pushing this initiative, which will includes the 1.5 million illegal immigrants deported by the former president, per the Democratic Party's platform.

Immigrants at the southwest borderCordon Press

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The Democratic Party is focusing its pre-election efforts on softening its immigration management, which, during the more than three years that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been at the helm, has devolved into an unprecedented crisis. However, instead of trying to neutralize the situation and stop it from escalating, it is opting for measures that would cause even more chaos than the present policy.

One of these initiatives, as stated by the Democratic Party in its platform, is to give amnesty to illegal immigrants who were previously kicked out of the U.S., regardless of the number who still remain inside U.S. territory. Many of them have been investigated or charged with crimes such as sexual assault or robbery.

The Trump administration deported more than 1.5 million illegal migrants

This would cause many of those who were returned to the other side of the border to have much less difficulty in trying to re-enter the United States and reside, illegally, in the country, with the dangers and consequences that this entails.

It should be remembered that, during his four years as president, Donald Trump deported more than 1.5 million illegal immigrants, according to a report by The Washington Free Beacon.

Democrats say Trump administration 'made our communities less safe'

Harris has been at the head of immigration management since January 2021 and, therefore, is ultimately responsible for the system being broken and for the unprecedented crisis that has emerged. However, the Democratic Party, instead of taking on certain burdens, blames Trump for the situation.

"Instead of pursuing a sensible, humane, and responsible approach to immigration that strengthens the United States, the Trump Administration has been callous, cruel, and reckless in the extreme. President Trump’s immigration policies have made our communities less safe," the Democrats state on their website, without considering that, under the Biden administration, records were broken for border encounters with illegal migrants.

Despite the obvious signs that the Biden-Harris administration, with the vice president at the head of this issue, is to blame for the broken immigration system, the Democratic candidate is working to clean up her image and promise supposedly more effective measures to neutralize the unprecedented crisis that she herself caused.
