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Report reveals that the southern border became a terrorist sneak hole under Kamala Harris' watch

The House Judiciary Committee released a detailed document exposing how current open border policies are compromising national security and putting U.S. citizens at risk.

Kamala posa antes de su primer discurso tras conocer que cuenta con apoyos suficientes para ser candidata demócrata.

Kamala Harris, before her first campaign speech as a candidate.Erin Schaff / Pool / AFP

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This Monday,the House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement presented a report detailing how the current open-borders policies implemented by the Biden-Harris Administrationare weakening national security and exposing U.S. citizens to new risks.

The document, titled "Terror at our door: how the Biden-Harris Administration’s open-borders policies undermine national security and endanger americans," highlights how the lack of controls on the entry of illegal immigrants has also facilitated the entry of individuals on the terrorist watch list, significantly increasing theterrorist threatscompared to previous administrations.

The report

The document reveals that, during the Biden-Harris Administration, millions of aliens have been allowed into the United States, including individuals on the terrorist watch list. Over the past three and a half years, more than 5.4 million aliens have been released into the country, and an additional 1.9 million are in "fugitive" status.

In addition, the report highlights that the Biden-Harris Administration has allowed at least 99 illegal immigrants who were on the terrorist watch listinto U.S. communities. Between fiscal years 2021 and 2023, the Border Patrol identified more than 250 illegal immigrants on the terrorist watch list at the southwest border. Of these, nearly 100 were released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), while at least 34 remain in DHS custody but have not yet been removed from the country.

Origin of immigrants on the watch list

Immigrants on the terrorist watch list come from 36 different countries, many of which have an active terrorist presence. These countries include Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Yemen.

So far in FY2024,the Border Patrol has encountered tens of thousands of illegal aliens across the country from nations that could present national security risks, including 2,134 Afghan nationals, 33,347 Chinese nationals, 541 Iranian nationals, 520 Syrian nationals, and 3,104 Uzbek nationals.

Alarming Cases and Systemic Problems

The report also reveals that at least three illegal immigrants with possible ties to ISIS were released into the United States after using the CBP One application to be processed at a port of entry. A former senior ICE official admitted to the Committee that current open border policies make it difficult for ICE to stop national security threatsinside the country.
