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Did she incriminate herself? Kamala Harris promises to fix an "immigration system" that is "broken"

The vice president's presidential campaign debuted an ad in which she promises to fix the situation at the southern border and even points to Donald Trump as the one responsible for the border crisis. 

Kamala HarrisAFP

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Days before the Democratic National Convention, Kamala Harris continues campaigning in various regions of the country and trying to clean up her image before voters, especially in key states. In parallel, her campaign team is attacking viewers and users with ads. Within the latter group, there was one that caught the attention more than the rest. 

The 'ad' in question has the southern border as its main theme, precisely one of the Biden-Harris Administration's big disavowals. Indeed, according to a poll conducted by Harvard Harris, 62% of voters disapproved of the Democratic duo's border management

With this in mind, the Harris campaign opted for a different message, one that left the vice president as the party committed to improving the situation, while painting Trump as the one responsible for border decontrol. 

However, there was one detail in the announcement that social media users did not let slip. Reaching the end of the 50-second video, the voiceover claims Harris will "fix the broken immigration system," oblivious to the fact that they were criticizing her own stewardship at the helm of the southern border. 

Kamala Harris' stewardship as southern border "czar".

After being appointed by Joe Biden as the one in charge of addressing the growing migration influx in mid-2021,  Harris made trips to Mexico to Central American countries, trying to dissuade migrants from undertaking that "dangerous journey" to the United States. 

In June 2021, she gave an interview to Lester Holt, who reminded her that she had not yet visited the border, something Kamala first falsely denied and then laughed about.

The result of Harris' tenure in charge of the southern border? More than 12 million illegal crossings, a figure that exceeds the population of 44 states, constituting the worst immigration crisis in modern history. Her handling of this problem made her the most unpopular vice president in history, with a 28% positive image rating in November 2021.

This appointment turned out to be the beginning of the end for the popularity of the Californian, who was never able to recover her image;

To this was added the frustration with the little prominence that the White House gave her in the government. In February 2023, The New York Times published a piece in which it reflected the anonymous opinion of members of Harris' team, who expressed their annoyance with the treatment they received from the Oval Office, where they perceived the vice president as a "political ballast". She denied any involvement in the report.

Congressional Democrats condemned Kamala Harris' border management.

At the end of July, the House of Representatives approved a resolution condemning the work of Kamala Harris in charge of the southern border.

The text was introduced by Elise Stefanik (R-NY) and passed by a vote of 220 in favor and 196 against. All GOP congressmen present voted in favor, as did six Democrats who joined in condemning the work of the vice president.

The six Democrats who voted in favor were as follows: Jared Golden (Maine), Yadira Caraveo (Colorado), Don Davis (North Carolina), Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (Washington), Henry Cuellar (Texas) and Mary Peltola (Alaska).
