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The 20 priorities for Republicans for the November elections: The party unveiled its platform

The list was released in a document dedicated to "the forgotten men and women of America" to return to "common sense." 

Donald TrumpAFP

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Donald Trump and the Republican Party unveiled the electoral platform with which they hope to retake the White House and Senate in November. Through a 16-page document dedicated to "the forgotten men and women of America," they detailed their plans in ten chapters ranging from border security to cryptocurrencies.  

Preceding the punctuation is a preamble, in which the GOP reviews the state of the country under the Biden administration and the Democratic Party. 

Of course, should they deliver on these promises over the next few years, they promised to "make America great again."

"To the forgotten men and women of America"

"Our future, our identity, and our very way of life are under threat like never before. Today we must once again call upon the same American Spirit that led us to prevail through every challenge of the past if we are going to lead our Nation to a brighter future. For decades, our politicians sold our jobs and livelihoods to the highest bidders overseas with unfair Trade Deals and a blind faith in the siren song of globalism. They insulated themselves from criticism and the consequences of their own bad actions, allowing our Borders to be overrun, our cities to be overtaken by crime, our System of Justice to be weaponized, and our young people to develop a sense of hopelessness and despair. They rejected our History and our Values. Quite simply, they did everything in their power to destroy our country," they described.

The document presents the new Republican platform as a "return to common sense." Some of its proposals are as follows: cut regulations, return to "peace through strength," seal the southern border, make the 2017 tax cuts permanent, lower healthcare costs by stimulating competition, strengthen buy American and sourcing policies, boost school choice and rebuild cities, such as Washington, D.C., among many others. 

Trump celebrated the new Republican platform on his Truth Social account, where he assured that the GOP is the party of "common sense" and predicted that they will win both houses of Congress in November. 

"The 2024 GOP Platform to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN was overwhelmingly approved by the Rules Committee - Thank you to Chairwoman Marsha Blackburn and Vice Chair Michael Waltz for their tireless work to PUT AMERICA FIRST. We are, quite simply, the Party of Common Sense! America needs determined Republican Leadership at every level of Government to address the core threats to our very survival: Our disastrously Open Border, our weakened Economy, Inflation, crippling restrictions on American Energy Production, our depleted Military, attacks on the American System of Justice, the Weaponization of Politics, and much more," the presumptive Republican nominee said. 

The 20 points in the Republican Party platform for 2024 

  1. Seal the border and stop the immigrant invasion.
  2. Conduct the largest deportation operation in American history.
  3. End inflation and make America affordable again.
  4. Turn America into the largest energy producer in the world, by far!
  5. End outsourcing and turn America into a manufacturing superpower.
  6. Big tax cuts for workers, AND no tax on tips!
  7. Defend our constitution, our bill of rights and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms.
  8. Prevent World War III, restore peace in Europe and the middle east, and build a great iron dome missile shield over our entire country -- all made in America.
  9. End government weaponization against the American people.
  10. Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence and lock up violent criminals.
  11. Reconstruct our cities, including Washington, D.C., making them safe, clean and beautiful again.
  12. Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the world.
  13. Maintain the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency.
  14. Fight for and protect Social Security and Medicare with no cuts, no changes to the retirement age
  15. Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations.
  16. Cut federal funding for any school that promotes critical race theory, radical gender ideology and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content in our society, and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content in our children.
  17. Keep men out of women's sports.
  18. Deport pro-Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again.
  19. Secure our elections, including same-day voting, voter identification, paper ballots and proof of citizenship.
  20. Unite our country by taking it to new and unprecedented levels of success.