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A group of 'woke' congressmen want to change the narrative about illegal immigration

The initiative follows reports that over 12 million people illegally crossed into the United States from 2021, when Joe Biden took office, until May 2024.

En un giro de 180 grados, la Corte Suprema da luz verde a ley de Texas que permite a la Policía estatal arrestar a inmigrantes ilegales

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A group of progressives in the House of Representatives announced the formation of a new initiative to reframe the immigration debate. However, the initiative does not focus on border control or offer a real solution to the immigration crisis that has emerged during Joe Biden's time in office.

The initiative is called the Congressional Caucus on Global Migration. It will be led by Representatives Delia Ramirez, D-Illinois, Greg Casar, D-Texas, and Sydney Kamlager-Dove, D-California.

In a document, the group stated that, in its opionion, the migration crisis is a global issue, not just a problem for the United States. It said that "generalized violence, civil wars, human rights violations, democratic regression, economic exclusion and climate instability" are the reasons why people decide to emigrate.

"Realizing effective, orderly, and humane migration management requires long-term solutions built on political will, regional and global collaboration, and partnerships with local and grassroots leaders," the caucus said in a brief statement, first released by NBC News.

In that statement, the progressive group argued that "the caucus aims to increase Congress’s understanding of: 1) what has been done to address the factors and conditions that displace or drive people to migrate; 2) what has worked to alleviate those factors and conditions; 3) what more needs to be done; and 4) who has been missing from the table in identifying, crafting, and carrying out solutions."

Specifically, the caucus will promote activities to help identify solutions such as roundtables, briefings, special order speeches, parallel hearings, public tools or talking points and public statements.

The group was created amidst a worsening border crisis. According to data obtained by The Center Square, more than 12 million people illegally crossed into the United States from the start of Joe Biden's presidency in 2021 until May 2024. 
