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Reactions to Hunter's verdict: Conservatives claim that it is a 'distraction' to protect Biden and that the case does not justify Trump's persecution

Progressive commentators, on the other hand, celebrated the jury's decision, stating that the justice system is working.

Reacciones al veredicto de Hunter: los conservadores denuncian que es una “distracción” para proteger a Biden y que el caso no justifica la persecución contra Trump


Various conservative politicians and commentators on social media burst into criticism following Hunter Biden's guilty verdict. He became the first son of an American president to be found guilty of three criminal charges, all of them related to the purchase of a gun after lying about his addiction problems when filling out a federal form in 2018.

Despite the guilty verdict, the conservative world continues to question the impartiality of the American justice system, pointing out that Hunter Biden was tried for very minor charges and not for something potentially more serious: his shady dealings abroad, which could impact his father, Joe Biden.

Critics argue that the trial against Hunter, ultimately, was a “farce” that distracts the public from the investigations against the Biden family and that serves for Democrats to say that the instrumentalization of justice against their opponents does not exist.

“I've said it before and I'll say it again: the Hunter Biden trial was a sham,” said former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, an ally of former President Donald Trump. “It's a smoke screen to legitimize the Trump conviction & to deflect attention from the Biden family's current likely crimes: selling off our foreign policy to make their family rich. Don't fall for it."

The Trump campaign also weighed in on the guilty verdict, making a statement similar to Ramaswamy's.

“This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine. Crooked Joe Biden's reign over the Biden Family Criminal Empire is all coming to an end on November 5th, and never again will a Biden sell government access for personal profit,” stated the former president’s campaign.

Progressives and conservatives fight to impose narratives

Many more commentators joined the wave of criticism after the trial against the president's son ended.

“Hunter Biden made millions of dollars as an unregistered foreign agent, but the DOJ doesn't want you focused on that,” warned Republican Blake Masters. “So they gave him a smaller firearms charge, just so the Democrats can claim 'nobody is above the law' while covering for the Bidens' corruption.”

After the jury's decision was revealed, conservative commentator Charlie Kirk stated that “the true crimes of the Biden Crime Family remain untouched.”

“This is a fake trial trying to make the Justice system appear 'balanced,'” he insisted.

However, unlike conservative commentators, some progressive or anti-Trump opinion leaders celebrated the verdict, attempting to impose the narrative that the justice system is working and is not being used as a political weapon.

Commentator Brian Krassenstein, who calls himself an independent but has campaigned against Trump, boasted after the verdict: "Just like I said before this verdict was read this morning, I support the US judicial system, which is a separate branch of government from the Executive branch. Read a civics book or something."

“Oh and regardless, I am NOT voting for Hunter Biden nor Donald Trump for President. Law and order matters, whether you are a Democrat or Republican,” he added.

Krassenstein's words coincide with the reaction of leftist commentator Molly Jong-Fast, who wrote: "The law is the law for everyone if your last name is Biden or Trump."

Former progressive CNN anchor Brian Stelter also reacted to the verdict and criticized conservatives by stating: “Yes, from the RIGHT — Trump boosters are trotting out a new conspiracy theory — that the entire Hunter trial was an op to make a rigged system seem balanced.”

A large number of progressive commentators took advantage of the verdict to attack Trump supporters for their constant questioning of the judicial system.

However, some conservative commentators warned against this tactic, explaining that the Democratic National Committee is attempting to use the verdict to justify the persecution of Donald Trump.

“Did Hunter Biden just fall on the sword to justify his father's political prosecutions of Donald Trump?” asked conservative independent journalist Kyle Becker.

“They needed this guilty verdict so the left could rush to the media and pretend there's not a double standard in our justice system,” warned former Rep. Madison Cawthorn. “But Hunter will get probation, and Biden will try to throw Trump in prison. Just watch".

“Hunter Biden was found guilty... So now the left will use the talking point that everything is fair in the world while they go after Trump using kangaroo courts,” host Tim Young said.

The current sentence does not exonerate Joe Biden

After the verdict, many believed the investigations against the Biden family were over. But that is not necessarily the case.

Republican congressional leaders continue to investigate the Biden family's finances and the complex business scheme Hunter Biden led overseas to recruit clients while allegedly selling access to his father when he was Barack Obama's vice president.

Federal investigators are still investigating potential violations of lobbying laws related to the president's son's business operations with clients from Ukraine, Russia or China, according to journalist Catherine Herradle.
