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Trial against Hunter continues: Hallie Biden's testimony reveals devastating details about the president's son's gun

Upon finding the gun, Hallie Biden went into "panic." Her fear was that Hunter had acquired the gun to commit suicide.

US President Joe Biden hugs Hallie Biden, the wife of his late son Beau Biden, after visiting St. Joseph on the Brandywine Catholic Church in Wilmington, Delaware, on December 18, 2021. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP)

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The testimony that Hallie Biden gave this Thursday, June 6, was devastating. Hunter Biden's ex-girlfriend and widow of his brother, Beau, recalled in court the moment she found, and then threw away, the gun that the president's son had bought in the fall of 2018 after he lied on the purchase form.

It was early morning in October of that year when Hallie showed up at Hunter Biden's house and began cleaning up the "mess" he had left behind due to his crack addiction. Hallie always hoped that Hunter would be able to detox, which is why she showed up at his house that morning.

As Hallie Biden began cleaning out Hunter's truck, she came across crack pipes, trash, clothing and, of course, the gun.

During this fourth day of the trial against Joe Biden's son for lying in 2018 about purchasing a gun and for having illegally possessed it for several days, one of the most anticipated testimonies was that of Hallie Biden, because it was her who found and then disposed of the gun that today has Hunter before a jury.

What prosecutors are trying to prove, and they have had enough testimony and evidence to do so, is that Hunter Biden was an addict when in 2018 he swore he was not in order to buy the .38-caliber Colt Cobra revolver, which he then illegally possessed for 11 days. Hallie's testimony, which is added to that of Hunter's ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, and that of an ex-partner, dancer Zoe Kestan, is devastating.

Hallie, who was Hunter's partner during the 11 days that the case is based upon, gave a testimony that proves, without hesitation, that the president's son was a drug addict and, therefore, had committed the three crimes of which he is accused: lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, lying on the application form when he said he was not a drug user or addict, and illegally possessing the gun.

At one point in the testimony, Hallie Biden herself confessed to prosecutor Leo Wise that she also used drugs at that time. "And who made you do it?" Wise asked. "Hunter did," she replied.

"It was a terrible experience that I went through, and I'm embarrassed and ashamed, and I regret that period of my life," added Beau Biden's widow and Hunter's ex-partner.

Upon finding the gun, she panicked. Her fear was that Hunter had acquired the gun to commit suicide. She also feared that his children would find the gun and an accident could have occurred. Because of that fear, she decided to drive to a grocery store and throw it in the trash.

Hunter was upset by what Hallie did, but she asked him to go to rehab. She told him that buying a gun was crossing the line and that his addiction had to stop. During those hours, Hunter sent Hallie a text message acknowledging his addiction and problems. Today's testimony is hard proof for the prosecution.

If convicted of the three crimes, Hunter Biden could face up to 10 years in prison. However, ending up in jail is unlikely, since it would be the maximum penalty for the type of crimes that the president's son faces. For someone with no criminal record, it seems unlikely.
