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A Border Patrol agent opened up about the crisis: 'The cartels control the border'

On condition of anonymity, he told NewsNation that authorities are dedicated to "reacting" to the actions of criminals.

Agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza vigilan un grupo de inmigrantes

(Cordon Press)

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A Border Patrol agent opened up about the current situation on the southern border. On condition of anonymity to protect his identity, he told NewsNation that it is actually "the cartels" who control the border, thus painting an even grimmer picture of the Joe Biden administration's border management.

Since the president took office in January 2021, illegal border crossings have reached record numbers. Indeed, more than 7 million illegal crossings have been recorded since then, a number greater than the population of 36 states.

The border agent spoke on condition of anonymity to NewsNation, although the interview has not yet been published in its entirety.

"The biggest thing is that we do not control the border, the cartel controls the border. Everything that we do is a reaction to things that they have planned. Usually we're chasing around pawns while the kings and queens are doing whatever they want," said the agent.

The House of Representatives recently approved the impeachment process for Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security. However, the Democratic majority in the Senate ruled out a vote, thus marking a historical precedent.

The articles of impeachment against Mayorkas accused him of "breach of trust" and a "deliberate and systematic refusal to comply with the law." House Speaker Mike Johnson said it was "time to remove Secretary Mayorkas" since "Secretary Mayorkas has refused to follow the law and violated the public trust. As a result, our border is less secure."

Who is responsible for the border crisis? Voters are clear

According to an conducted March 29-31, April 5-7, and April 12-14, Americans are increasingly concerned about illegal immigration at the southern border.

When pointing out who is the "most responsible" for the border crisis, the response that appeared the most was that of the "Biden administration" with 32%.

Another of the most talked-about findings was that 51% of respondents said they were in favor of mass deportation of illegal immigrants, a number that is made up of 42% of Democrats, 46% of independents and 68% of Republicans. Regarding demographics, 45% of Latinos were in favor, as were 40% of African Americans and 56% of whites.
