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Biden holds event and receives endorsement from Kennedy family to weaken RFK Jr.'s candidacy

The now independent candidate worries the president because of his resonance with Democratic and independent voters.

Biden se reúne con la familia Kennedy.


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The Kennedy family publicly endorsed Joe Biden's candidacy in a joint event. The dozen members of the well-known political family who participated in the event also disavowed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whom they described as "dangerous" to the country. This is a clear sign that RFK Jr.'s independent campaign is proving to be more than a thorn in the current president's side, and could be key in the incumbent's race against Donald Trump.

Call for unity of the Democratic vote around Biden and against Trump

It was Kerry Kennedy, one of the independent candidate's sisters, who ushered the president onto the stage, introducing him as "a champion for all the rights and freedoms that my father and uncles stood for." This, in her opinion, is in danger with Trump: "Donald Trump is running to take us backwards, attacking the most basic rights and freedoms that are core to who we are as Americans. He has said he will be a dictator on day one, even saying he wants to try to suspend the Constitution."

Kerry also took stabs at her brother, disregarding his candidacy for president and calling for the unity of Democratic and independent voters around Biden. Next, she used her father's legacy to attack Trump : "I can only imagine how Donald Trump’s outrageous lies and behavior would have horrified my father, Robert F. Kennedy, who proudly served as attorney general of the United States, and honored his pledge to uphold the law and protect the country."

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says his family is an example of love persevering through disagreement

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. used the event to present his family's political divide as a model for Americans to "restore civility and respect in public discourse," stressing that he believes his family is "united in our love for each other. "
