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'A lie' and 'absolute bull***t': Ted Cruz criticizes Obama for calling Israel's operation in Gaza an 'occupation'

"The occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable," the former president said during an interview.

El senador republicano por Texas Ted Cruz, durante una comparecencia.

Ted Cruz (Cordon Press)

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This Tuesday marks one month since the terrorist group Hamas carried out its first attacks against Israel. Since then, numerous public figures have given their opinion on the situation in the Middle East. One of the latest was Barack Obama, who described the ground operation by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in the Gaza Strip as an "occupation."

"If there’s any chance of us being able to act constructively to do something, it will require an admission of complexity and maintaining what on the surface may seem contradictory ideas that what Hamas did was horrific, and there’s no justification for it. And … that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable," Obama stated.

His words were met with strong criticism. The latest instance came from Ted Cruz. During an appearance on "The Megyn Kelly Show," the Republican senator from Texas called Obama's analysis "utter and complete bull***t" and a "lie":

What utter and complete bull***t. Was there something else you could have done? Here’s an idea. Don’t give $100 billion to the monsters who are committing these massacres. What occupation? This is a lie, and it’s a lie the radical left pushes. Gaza is not occupied. Israel left Gaza.

'Obama flooded Iran with money'

Cruz continued by pointing out that the former president granted funds to the Iranian regime while its leaders and terrorist groups "want to eliminate the State of Israel, they want to murder every Jew":

Barack Obama led the effort to flood cash into Iran. The Ayatollah in Iran leads mobs chanting “death to America and death to Israel.” They want to commit mass murder, they want to eliminate the State of Israel, they want to murder every Jew. Hamas, more than 90% of the funding of Hamas comes from Iran. Hezbollah, more than 90% of the funding from Hezbollah comes from Iran. Barack Obama funded them and then you listen, he says, “Well, what Hamas did was indefensible and there’s no justification for it, but let me give a justification for it.”