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These are the 4 facts that link Joe Biden to Hunter's controversial businesses

The president participated in calls with his son's associates, wrote letters of recommendation for the children of a Chinese businessman, pushed for the firing of a prosecutor investigating Burisma, and lied to the public.

Imagen de archivo / Joe Biden y su hijo Hunter en el palco.

(Cordon Press)

Today, in the House of Representatives, the first major hearing on the Republican-led impeachment investigation against President Joe Biden took place.

The majority of the House, chaired by Kevin McCarthy, is focusing on Biden's alleged relationship with Hunter Biden's businesses abroad.

Specifically, the findings found since the beginning of the year by the Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary and Ways and Means committees reveal connections between President Biden and his son's controversial business dealings.

So far, these are the facts :

Joe Biden had knowledge of his son's businesses

According to the testimony of Devon Archer, a former business partner and friend of Hunter, Joe Biden participated in about twenty phone calls with his son's associates over a decade.

While Archer testified to Congress that he never heard Joe Biden discuss business or trade deals during those calls, the contacts occurred while Hunter Biden was selling “access” to his father as a business opportunity for his partners abroad.

Biden also developed personal relationships with some of Hunter's partners, including BHR Partners co-founder Jonathan Li, for whom he did the favor of writing letters of recommendation for his children to try their luck at some of the best universities in the USA.

Li is Hunter's partner who made a bank transfer of $250,000, using Joe Biden's own Delaware residence as the address of the final beneficiary.

Biden family received millions of dollars from Hunter associates

According to the House Oversight Committee, between 2014 and 2019, various members of the Biden family and their affiliated companies received more than $15,000,000 from foreign companies and foreign citizens from Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania and China.

Additionally, Hunter Biden's business partners received another $9,000,0000 from business deals.

According to the committee's investigation, all of this money “was transmitted to Biden family members from foreign sources through an exceedingly complex chain of transactions that made it difficult to track the flow of these funds.”

In fact, the commission itself identified more than 20 shell companies related to the Biden family through financial records.

As part of the impeachment investigation process, Congressman Comer issued three subpoenas this Thursday for the personal and business banking records of Hunter and James Biden, the president's brother.

According to the representative, the objective is to clarify the facts about the money received by the Biden family and the president's responsibility.

“Bank records don’t lie, and coupled with witness testimony, they reveal that Joe Biden abused his public office for his family’s financial gain. The financial records obtained to date reveal a pattern where the Bidens sold access to Joe Biden around the world to enrich the Biden family,” Comer said.

Joe Biden was involved in the controversial firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor

While Hunter Biden was a member of the board of directors of the energy firm Burisma, receiving a high salary of more than $80,000 per month, former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was investigating said company for corruption.

However, his father, during his time as vice president, actively pressured the Ukrainian government to remove Shokin from office or else the United States would stop sending millions in humanitarian aid to the European country.

Shokin was eventually fired, and it was recently revealed that a “highly credible” source of the FBI said that the director of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky, accused and investigated for corruption in his country, paid bribes of $5,000,000 to both Hunter and Joe Biden to get the former Ukrainian prosecutor off his back.

Joe Biden's lies to Americans

Joe Biden has repeatedly told the American public several lies about his son's business dealings abroad.

In 2019, Biden said that he had "never spoken" to his son about his businesses, however, in 2013, when he was vice president, he took an official trip to China in which he was accompanied by Hunter.

On that same trip, Hunter met with Jonathan Li, who also met with Joe Biden at the request of his son. Ten days after that official visit to China, Hunter and Li formed a partnership, BHR Partners after Chinese authorities issued the necessary licenses for the venture capital firm to begin operating.

Another example of how Biden lied happened in 2020, during the presidential debate with Donald Trump when the then-Democratic candidate said that his son had never received money from Chinese partners just a year after Hunter received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Li.
