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Former NYPD chief provides thousands of documents to special prosecutor Jack Smith on alleged voter fraud

Bernie Kerik turned over a total of 600MB of evidence after leading a joint investigation with the former president's attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

Bernie Kerik, el exjefe de policía de la ciudad de Nueva York que investigó el posible fraude durante las elecciones de 2020.

(Wikimedia Commons)

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Former New York City Police Chief Bernie Kerik turned over thousands of documents to Jack Smith, the Justice Department's special prosecutor who is investigating potential 2020 election fraud. The evidence is the result of a joint investigation that he conducted with Donald Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and includes a total of 600MB of documents along with affidavits proving that "irregularities" and "fraudulent activities" occurred during the election.

Kerik's attorney Tim Parlatore told CNN that the documents were turned over on Sunday and are currently being analyzed. They expect to meet again with the Justice Department's special prosecutor shortly to determine whether or not the documents are valid for the investigation: "I have shared all of these documents, approximately 600MB, mostly pdfs, with the Special Counsel and look forward to sitting down with them in about two weeks to discuss."

Kerik wanted to hand over the material on voter fraud from the very beginning

The Daily Beast reported that Kerik had finally turned the documents over to the Justice Department's special prosecutor. As Parlatore explained to the newspaper, the ex-cop wanted to provide the documents from the beginning, however, he needed the approval of Trump's team, which invoked attorney-client privilege, to hand them over:

From the time he received a subpoena from the January 6 Committee, Mr. Kerik has believed that full disclosure is the best policy so that the public can understand how extensive the legal team’s efforts to investigate election fraud were,

"No one is selling out Trump or Giuliani"

Kerik received the subpoena "several months ago." However, until now, his lawyer had failed to secure the necessary waivers from Trump allowing him to turn over all of the investigative material. He explained on Twitter that the former police chief did not provide the evidence to harm Trump or Giuliani but to collaborate with Justice as he has always done since he was summoned at the beginning of the investigation:
