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Most Americans (and Democratic voters) believe IRS whistleblowers

Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley, IRS investigators, claimed before Congress that the Department of Justice prevented them from investigating the businesses belonging to President Biden's son. Most voters trust their accusation.

Los informantes de IRS, Ziegler y Shapley.

( Captura de pantalla / Twitter )

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IRS whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley enjoy high credibility among American voters. Sixty-two percent believe they are credible, according to a recent Harvard Caps Harris Poll.

This figure is even higher among Democratic Party supporters than Republican Party supporters, by a difference of 4%. While 64% of the former said they trusted Ziegler and Shapley, 60% of the latter professed the same belief.

In addition, the survey results indicate that almost half of those who had not heard of the whistleblowers so far were willing to believe their testimony. This was stated by 49%, compared to 51% who would not believe the allegations. Among those who did know about them, 77% were confident in their opinion.

Despite the high levels of confidence that the informants deserved, 54% of American voters were unaware of the accusations. Broken down by party, these results show that Republicans had heard the most about the case, with 48%, followed by Democrats, with 45%, and independents or others, with 43%.

In detail

Some 61% of U.S. voters say they believe the agents' accusations against the Justice Department, namely: that agency officials obstructed their investigation into Hunter Biden's business dealings.

Here the gap between Republicans and Democrats widens, with 48% of the former expressing confidence versus 72% of the latter. A 66% majority of those who do not feel represented by either of these two parties said they would believe the whistleblowers.

"Do you think that the Justice Department and the FBI were operating fairly or are they shielding Joe and Hunter Biden from a full investigation?" That question further widens the rift between Democrats and Republicans, although 58% of all voters answered yes. Some 83% of GOP voters said yes, compared to just 27% of Democrats. On the other hand, 65% of the independents answered in the affirmative.

Worse yet for President Biden, according to a Ramussen Reports poll, 58% of Americans say they do not believe his denial of Bidengate .

Cocaine in the White House

Two out of three voters are dissatisfied with the conclusion of the Secret Service investigation into cocaine found in the White House.

Seventy-six percent of Republicans said the case, which was closed without suspects, should be investigated further. Forty-nine percent of Democrats and 67% of independents agreed with this view.
