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Bidengate: Most Americans don't believe president's denial

Fifty-eight percent consider it "likely" that the president was involved in his son Hunter's foreign business dealings.

Joe Biden junto a su hijo Hunter.


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Most Americans do not believe the president when he assures that he is not implicated in Bidengate. Fifty-eight percent believe that Joe Biden was involved in his son Hunter's foreign business dealings, despite repeated denials by the current White House occupant.

Even Democrats don't trust the president

According to a Rassmussen Reports poll, as many as 44% of respondents consider it "very likely" that Joe Biden was involved in his son's business dealings during his time as vice president. On the opposite side, only 14% see it as "not very likely," while 19% consider it "not at all likely."

Distrust of the president is noticeable even among Democratic voters. Although the majority (30%) do not believe at all that the then vice president was involved in the events investigated in Bidengate and 19% see it as "not very likely," a striking 38% of them consider it "likely or very likely."

Republicans and independents convinced of Biden's involvement

Republicans and independents, however, overwhelmingly believe the president is guilty. In the case of conservatives, the number of those who believe the president is lying rises to 82%, with 69% considering it "very likely." Among independents, 56% note that Biden was probably involved, with 45% see it as "very likely."
