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Most Americans believe that members of Congress do not represent them

More than half of voters believe that any randomly selected person could do better than the current members of Congress, and 59% say the Biden administration does not have the “consent of the governed.”

Biden se reúne con los líderes del GOP y el Partido Democrático en la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado.

(The White House/Wikimedia Commons)

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Not even one in five Americans (19%) feel that members of Congress represent them. The majority (67%) see that, on the contrary, legislators put the dictates of their party leaders before their constituents. More than half of voters (51%) disapprove of the work of the current members of both the House and Senate and believe that any randomly selected person would do a better job than them. In addition, 59% say that the Biden administration does not have the “consent of the governed.”

Democrats feel the most listened to, independents feel the least listened to

In a Rasmussen Reports survey released this week, independents (74%) said they feel the least represented by Washington. Among the two major parties, Democratic supporters are the ones who feel most listened to by their politicians (28%), while Republican voters who see their opinions defended by their elected congressmen were just 17%. The division caused by the approval of the debt ceiling increase by conservative lawmakers, which most GOP supporters opposed, is a clear example.

Congress does not solve the nation's problems

In line with the above, 51% of respondents believe that any randomly selected person would be more effective in solving the nation's problems than the current politicians in Congress. Not even one in three Americans (29%) say that other, non-democratically elected people would do worse, while 20% are not sure.

Even Democrats do not believe that Biden has “consent of the governed”

In addition, nearly two out of three citizens believe that the Joe Biden administration does not have the “consent of the governed.” Even Democrats feel this way. Among them, there are more who think no (47%) than those who say yes (36%). An additional 17% do not know what to think.

In the case of independents and Republicans, the figures increase considerably. Among conservatives, just 18% say the government has the “consent of the governed,” while 8% are unsure and an overwhelming 78% believe it does not. More than half of independents share the majority sentiment, compared to 23% who are unsure and 20% who believe Biden has citizen consent.
