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91% of Californians say parents are responsible for raising children

Only 28% agree with the Democratic proposal that it should be considered "child abuse" for a child's gender identity not to be affirmed.

Una familia norteamericana en su casa hablando y jugando con sus hijos.

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The California State Legislature is putting ideological sectarianism before the feelings of the majority of the citizens of the Golden State. While Democratic senators attempt to approve a bill that would allow parents to be convicted of "child abuse" if they do not affirm their children's gender identity, 91% of Californians say parents, and not the government, are responsible for the upbringing of the children. This is reflected in the rating of Governor Gavin Newsom's performance, which 54% disapprove of.

Children do not belong to the Administration

So says a Rasmussen Reports survey of Golden State citizens on politics, family, and the sex and gender identity change processes. The poll results indicate that the work of Democratic politicians, led by the controversial Senator Scott Wiener, on these issues is the opposite of what their fellow citizens think and demand.

Thus, an overwhelming 91% of Californians say that parents "have the greatest responsibility for raising a child." Only 3% believe that the State should be in charge of the education and upbringing of children, while the same number believe that they should do it jointly.

Even Democratic Voters Reject Wiener Amendment

Nor does the majority support Wiener's amendment, approved by the state Senate Judiciary Committee, which seeks to convict parents who do not affirm their children's gender identity of "child abuse." Only 28% of those surveyed support this, compared to 52% who believe that this is not the case. Even more Democratic supporters (39%) oppose it than support it (37%). Among Republicans, the "no" vote is 70%.

Reaffirmation of parents' rights against teachers and administrators.

Californians also overwhelmingly rejected two of Woke's maxims about children: 64% oppose the idea that "there is no such thing as someone else's child. Our nation's children are all our children," compared to 29% who support it. The "no" (82%) is even more resounding when giving their opinion on whether "a person loses their parental rights when their child enters public school." This idea is supported by only 12% of respondents.

The survey also indicates that Golden State citizens overwhelmingly believe that children should not learn that they can change their sex until they are of age (23%), or even never (38%), compared to those who believe they should be aware of it between the ages of 4 (4%) and adolescence (10%). In this sense, those who believe that children are "mature enough" to decide what their gender is also prevail: 31% believe that not before 18% and 32% that "never." Those who consider children to be sufficiently prepared from the age of 4 account for 3%, while those who think that from the age of 16 onwards account for 11%.

Californians against sex change procedures

The rejection is even more pronounced when asked about the age at which gender reassignment procedures for minors should be accepted. According to Rasmussen, 42% of Californians believe that a child or teenager should "never" undergo gender-affirming hormonal procedures, 26% belive not before age 18, and just 21% agreed that they should do so between the ages of 4 and 16.

But even more are opposed to minors undergoing gender reassignment surgery. Absolute rejection is close to half of the respondents (49%), followed by those who would accept it at the age of 18. Those who would support this process in minors do not reach 10% in total.

Notifications from the school to parents

In addition, 88% of Californians believe that schools and teachers should alert parents if they detect changes in "children's mental conditions, such as symptoms of depression or suicidal thoughts." 73% of them "strongly" support this. Although they continue to be more (69%), the number of those who believe that schools and teachers should inform parents if their child identifies or requires to be treated with a gender different from their biological sex.

It should be mentioned that these results are based on the assumption that those who consider biological sex and gender to be the same thing and those who affirm that they are different things are fairly evenly matched. In fact, slightly more people think it is not the same (44%) as opposed to its detractors (41%). 16% are not clear.

Californians suspend Newsom and Biden

This is reflected in the approval of Newsom's tenure as governor. Fifty-four percent are dissatisfied with him, while 43% approve of his management. Federal President Joe Biden does not score well in the Pacific Rim either, although he is rated higher. Forty-five percent agree with his job, compared to another 54% who disapprove.
