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Biden violated the U.S. Flag Code to promote LGBT at the White House

According to the regulations, it must always be "in the position of honor" and at the highest point when there is a group of emblems of other states, localities or societies.

Joe y Jill Biden saludan a los invitados a la celebración del Orgullo en la Casa Blanca)

(Cordon Press)

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Joe Biden violated the U.S. Flag Code by placing a giant LGBT flag prominently on the main facade of the White House between two American flags. According to the rule, the national symbol must be placed "in the position of honor" when it flies next to a group of state, local or corporate emblems. Likewise, "no other flag should be placed above it. The flag of the United States is always the first to be raised and the last to be lowered."

Non-compliance with the protocols contained in the code has not been illegal since 1990. Then, the Supreme Court ruled that the then law was unconstitutional in the case of U.S. v. Eichman. The ruling argued that it "violated the Freedom of Speech" enshrined in the First Amendment. However, respect for the flag for which thousands of Americans have fought and given their lives is a tradition respected and promoted for centuries.

Shapiro: "The ideological coup is complete"

Following Biden's disdain, numerous personalities have denounced that the president makes clear where he stands and that he puts the LGTBI agenda, especially transgender, ahead of the interests of the majority of the nation. Ben Shapiro went so far as to claim that "the ideological coup is complete."

Benny Johnson: "The enemy is inside the castle walls"

Also highly critical was Benny Johnson, who lamented that "the enemy is inside the castle walls." He denounced that the president, despite being "'Commander and Chief' defaced the American flag by flanking the alphabet cult flag at the White House."

Tim Pool: "A flag of ideology over the flag of the country"

Tim Tool, for his part, lamented that the president of all Americans privileges a flag that "divides" the nation. In fact, Pool insists that more than half of the citizens do not share the meaning of the flag, but he still placed "a flag of ideology above the flag of the country."

USA is now, "Land of the Queer, Home of the Trans"

Other users abounded in this idea even asking with irony if the next step will be the change of the nation's traditional motto to "In LGBT We Trust" instead of "In God We Trust" or "Land of the Queer, Home of the Trans" replacing the classic "Land of the Free Men, Home of the Brave."

Well-known gay influencer also criticizes flag disparagement

Well-known gay influencer David Leatherwood also charged that rather than a flag, Biden had promoted a "dangerous and radical ideology that not everyone in the 'community' agrees with. In fact, many of us resent it entirely"
