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Texas Democrat sheriff opens investigation into how migrants were taken to Martha's Vineyard

It is under study which laws were transgressed or a possible invasion of competences.

Varios inmigrantes suben a un avión.

Inmigrantes Martha's Vineyard / Captura de pantalla FoxNews

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A Bexar County (Texas) sheriff announced that he has launched a criminal investigation against Governor Ron Desantis' for sending 48 migrants from Florida to Martha's Vineyard (Massachusetts) last week.

Javier Salazar, a Democratic sheriff, ordered a group of agents from his office's organized crime task force to investigate the events. According to the official, although it is not yet clear what specific laws may have been violated, or whether powers beyond the governor's own were used, it is clear that many of the immigrants were misled and lured out of Texas for "political motivations."

Democratic sheriff critical of Republican immigration policies

The sheriff, who is very critical of Republican immigration policies, assured that the fact that he is a Democrat is not the reason why he is opening an investigation into the governor of Florida, but because "it is the right thing to do." In addition, he did not rule out the possibility that state and federal agents would join the investigation in the near future.

According to the first bits of information that have been made public, as reported by the sheriff, a well-dressed woman, who introduced herself as Pearl, approached the immigrants in San Antonio with fast food vouchers and offered to take them to "a sanctuary" in Massachusetts where they would find work and shelter.

According to the sheriff, what happened "is a tragedy." "They had the right to walk the streets just like you and me, and they had the right not to be played for fools, become prey and transported halfway across the country just for a media event or a video opportunity."

"Opportunity to find greener pastures."

Governor De Santis' Communications Director, Taryn Fenske, noted in a statement that the immigrants were thrilled with the idea of leaving Bexar County where they had been abandoned.

Florida gave them the opportunity to seek greener pastures in a sanctuary jurisdiction that offered greater resources for them.

To reaffirm herself, the journalist assured:

In Massachusetts they were provided with housing, sustenance, clothing and more options to move forward after their unjust seduction in the United States, unlike the 53 immigrants who died in a truck found abandoned in Bexar County this June.

Republican stunts against Biden's abandonment

This is not an isolated case, but is part of a move by border area Republican politicians to raise awareness of the situation due to the neglect from President Biden and his team.

Just one day after the events of this investigation, Governor Greg Abbott from Texas sent two busloads of immigrants Vice President Kamala Harris' home in Washington.

These measures have the support of the U.S. population, according to a Rasmussen Reports survey. Moreover, citizens believe that the Department of Justice should initiate proceedings against cities that harbor illegal immigrants.
