Michigan forced to remove more than 25,000 dead from voter rolls
Soros-backed Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson had refused to act on the allegations raised by the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

Jocelyn Benson, secretaria de Estado de Michigan / Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy University of Michigan (Flickr).
The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan (E. D. Mich) has compelled Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to consider complaints raised by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, which had identified 25,975 dead on the voter rolls.
According to the Public Interest Legal Foundation's complaint, filed in November 2021, 23,663 of the 25,975 registered dead have been eligible to vote for five years or more; 17,479 have been eligible for a decade or more, and 3,956 have been eligible for at least 20 years. In 2021, PILF won a court victory on the same grounds, but in the state of Pennsylvania. In this case, it disenfranchised more than 20,000 dead people.
Soros intervenes in electoral processes
Jocelyn Benson received financial support from tycoon George Soros through the Secretary of State Project (SOS Project). Secretaries of State exist in 47 of the 50 states, and in 37 of them, they are elected by popular vote, as is the case of Michigan. Among other functions, the Secretaries of State control the electoral processes.
SOS project's mission is to "wrestling control of the country from the Republican Party" through the process of "removing their political operatives from deciding who can vote and whose votes will count." (Secretaries of State).
Jocelyn Benson is a high-ranking official in charge of overseeing the operation of the electoral system, who is financed by a George Soros association whose aim is to "wrest control of the country from the Republican Party", and who refuses to consider the possibility of almost 26,000 dead people participating in the elections. Recently, Republican candidate for the Arizona gubernatorial election Kari Lake defended the right of Americans to ask questions about the operation of elections when fraud is suspected.
Combination with absentee voting
Speaking to Just the News, PILF President J. Christian Adams said:
Adams says the combination of tainted lists and the more frequently used vote-by-mail ballot leads to bogus votes being generated: "That's what happened in Nevada, that's what happened in Michigan, Pennsylvania..."