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Trump surpasses Biden by 4 points in voting intentions

The former president would obtain almost half of the votes despite the fact that he has not yet formalized his candidacy, according to the latest McLaughlin & Associates poll.

Trump and Biden

Cordon Press / Cordon Press

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Donald Trump would win the presidential election if it were held today. Forty-nine percent of voters would opt for the former president (who has not yet formalized his candidacy) to lead the country out of its current situation.

According to a McLaughlin & Associates poll, Joe Biden would get 45% of the vote, four points behind Trump. Only 5% of voters said they were undecided. The question asked was clear and simple:

If the general election for President were held today, would you be more likely to vote for Donald Trump, the Republican candidate or Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate?

The Biden Administration's inaction is reflected in the polls. 7 in 10 people (67%) believe the country is on the wrong track under Biden and disapprove of his stewardship of the economy (the highest percentage in the U.S.). The highest inflation in 40 years, highest gasoline prices, the poorly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan, the avalanche of immigrants crossing the border with Mexico and the number of deaths by covid (more than during the Trump era).

Thirty-six percent of people who chose Trump in the poll are "definitely" convinced he is the best choice for president. A similar number of respondents would opt for Biden.

In a hypothetical GOP primary, Trump would gain a wide 40-point lead over Ron DeSantis (55% to 15%, respectively). On the Democratic side, Joe Biden would only have the support of 23% of party supporters, a figure that reflects his lack of popularity even among Democrats.

Cognitive test to Biden

59% of respondents believe Joe Biden should take a cognitive test to prove his abilities and make the results public versus 30% who oppose it. This is how the question was formulated:

Do you think Joe Biden should take a cognitive health test and release it publicly?

Since December of last year, the consulting firm has been regularly asking this question in its surveys and the figure who believe he should have one has remained steady at around 60%.
