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One year after the shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan: deception and neglect of responsibility

Republicans on the Foreign Affairs Committee will outline the "catastrophic consequences" of leaving Kabul.

Retirada de Afganistán

Corey Vandiver / Wikipedia

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GOP members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee will release a report detailing the Biden Administration's negligent actions in withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. Specifically, the committee consists of James Comer, Michael McCaul, Mike Rogers, Mike Turner and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

Twelve months later, the current president of the United States continues to fail to explain himself. He obstructs congressional requests for explanations and denies information to US citizens, especially veterans of the Afghanistan War.

The departure from Kabul and the lack of accountability of the current President of the United States has generated discontent among the population, as only 38 percent of Americans approve of his administration.

Al Qaeda

Another issue raised in the report is Al-Qaeda. Joe Biden "announced its end" a year ago, but a few days ago the Army eliminated the leader of the terrorist gang: "Plenty of much-needed answers on how the withdrawal descended into chaos and ultimately led to the resurgence of Al-Qaeda in the heart of Afghanistan."

They further add that "the current Administration's lack of leadership and omission of responsibilities caused zero assistance to our civilian residents in the Afghan country and to U.S. soldiers."

The Republicans show in the report "the brutality of the Taliban murdering innocent civilians" and "the honor of many American families who sacrificed" during the 20-year conflict.
