Climate totalitarianism: Netherlands condemns thousands of livestock farmers to close their farms
In the midst of a global food shortage, the government is demanding colossal economic efforts from producers to reduce nitrogen emissions resulting in farm closures.

(Kees Torn/Wikimedia)
The Dutch government wanted to lead the fight against climate change and has come up against the farmers' fight against its green impositions. Over the past few weeks, thousands of farmers have taken to the streets to protest against the threat of farm closures.
Farmers and ranchers denounce the authoritarian drift of the government led by Mark Rutte. Encouraged by Brussels, the Dutch administration is imposing severe restrictions on farms in order to be able to carry out their activity. The aim, according to the bureaucracy, is to meet the goals of the 2030 Agenda by reducing nitrogen emissions from farms and fields by 50% by that year. A requirement that reaches a 75% reduction in emissions in protected nature reserves known as Natura 2000 areas.
The nitrogen plan makes clear demands on farmers: sustainability, relocation or closure. The government and the European Union subsidize farmers to change the way they produce. If they cannot assume the cost of the new production model, they are forced to close down their farms or hand them over to the State, as in the communist collectivization processes.
It is estimated that more than 11,000 farms (one in five) will have to close and that a total of 29,000 farms will be affected by this green requirement. Thousands of owners will have to reduce their livestock, pushed by Brussels and their own government, which blames the country's high nitrogen levels on animal urine and feces.
Last week, the government began meetings with the organizations representing the agricultural sector to try to put an end to the mobilizations of farmers and ranchers. Farmers, for their part, continue to protest what they consider to be an impossible ultimatum. The Administration insists that the 50% emissions reduction target is untouchable.
Production cuts in the midst of food shortages
The Netherlands has its own ministry for Nature and Nitrogen, headed by Christianne van der Wal. One of its priority objectives is to comply at all costs with the green demands of the European Union, if necessary overriding the interests of its own compatriots.
In the Netherlands there are about 4 million cows and 11 million pigs. It is the world's second largest exporter of agricultural products in the world, after the United States, despite a population of only 17 million, which shows the importance of the sector in its economy.
This factor is compounded by the international context, with a looming food crisis. With raw material shortages and prices constantly rising, it does not seem like a good idea to cut the country's livestock population by about 30%. Unless you intend to live up to that maxim of "you will have nothing and be happy." You will have nothing, not even something to fill a plate of food with.
At Voz Media we have already told you how environmentalist voracity is capable of devastating healthy economies. Just a month ago, the president of Sri Lanka had to flee the country in the face of the collapse of its economy, stemming, most prominently, from alignment with eco-globalist objectives.