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The circus of the new Colombian Congress

From a congressman in high heels to the shouts that interrupted Iván Duque. This was the inauguration of the current House.

(Cámara de Representantes de Colombia-Twitter)

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Andrés Cancimance, representative for Putumayo, a member of the Historical Pact, a coalition of supporters of the new president, former guerrilla Gustavo Petro, arrived at the installation of the Colombian Congress in high heels. "From my seat, I will work for diversities, for the environment, for public education", said Cancimance. "I come to Congress in heels to raise my voice for all the people of the LGBTIQ+ community, who are murdered, violated and discriminated against on a daily basis," he also proclaimed.

The congressman's look has generated opinions against and in favor. Juan José Lafaurie, son of Senator María Fernanda Cabal and president of the Colombian Federation of Cattle Ranchers -José Feliz Lafaurie-, criticized the legislator: "That's how the pro-green universe is going. This representative of Putumayo must have a sore bunion with those heels. Just like the neighbor next door, who took off her sandals in the Capitol". On his part, the also elected representative for the Historic Pact Alejandro Ocampo praised his co-religionist Cancimance: "My total admiration".

Cancimance has a PhD in Anthropology, a social worker from the National University and a master's degree in Political Science.

President Duque's last speech

The inaugural session of the new Congress was also marked by the shouts and interruptions issued by opponents during the fourth and last speech of Iván Duque as president; he was interrupted on several occasions and was greeted with numerous posters with photos of social leaders murdered during his administration.

"Liar, liar, liar", were some of the slogans chanted by opponents, while Duque's congressmen tried to counteract these demonstrations with applause for the former president.

The newspaper El País de Cali shared on Twitter part of what was experienced during Iván Duque's speech.

The new Congress was installed on July 20. The radical leftist Gustavo Petro has a majority in his portfolio and could thus implement without impediments the reforms proposed in his electoral campaign.
