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Kamala Harris compares abortion ruling to slavery

"Our country has a long history of claiming ownership over human bodies."

Kamala Harris, vicepresidenta de EEUU, en un discurso

Gage Skidmore (Wikicommons)

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Vice President Kamala Harris has compared the Supreme Court's abortion ruling to slavery. Harris uttered these words at the 113th NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) Convention in New Jersey to criticize the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which has been 49 years in the making. But the Court has ruled that abortion is not a constitutional right.

The Democrat criticized anti-abortionists, whom she said are "the same ones who are passing laws to restrict the ability to vote."

Harris heads the Biden Administration's campaign for so-called reproductive rights, under which they have created a specific website: ReproductiveRights.gov.

In her speech to the NAACP, Harris made the aforementioned comparison to slavery and proclaimed that everyone owns his or her own body:

"Our country has a history of claiming ownership over human bodies."

Criticism of the reversal of 'Roe v. Wade'.

Indeed, the comparison to slaves came in the wake of Harris' fierce criticism of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. He added that what is happening today bears much resemblance to human trafficking:

"Today, so-called extremist leaders are criminalizing physicians and punishing women from making medical decisions for themselves."

White House declines to comment on Kamala Harris' remarks

White House spokeswoman (Karine Jean Pierre) declined to comment on Kamala Harris' comparison. Asked at a press conference, she did not clarify whether Joe Biden agrees with Kamala Harris in this simile.
